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Moblog Project. Daily Lifestyle Morning Afternoon Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Moblog Project. Daily Lifestyle Morning Afternoon Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moblog Project

2 Daily Lifestyle Morning Afternoon Night

3 Sending Photos (Email) To: If trouble, use BOTH addresses:

4 Sending Photos (Email) g: student number Sentences (optional) 1 photo

5 Single byte ( ) only! Double byte OK !

6 Use English filename.jpg Japanese file name asagohan.jpg OK !

7 Blog Writing Help

8 Use action verbs! Go Eat Play Use Drive Ride Cook Buy

9 This is…… This is my bicycle. No action!

10 Action I ride my bicycle to school everyday.

11 No Action This is my i-Pod.

12 Action I listen to Jazz on my i-Pod when I walk to school.

13 My Bicycle I ride my bicycle to KUT everyday. It takes about 15 minutes to ride from my home to school. I like riding my bicycle because it keeps me feeling healthy. Also, if I ride my bicycle, I can save money and save the environment! Title 4 action sentences! Photo

14 Long sentences I buy lunch at O-bag. I usually buy a sandwich or rice ball at O-bag everyday for lunch.

15 Daily Schedule I wake up at 7:00 AM I have breakfast at home. I go to school at 8:00 AM. I eat lunch in the cafeteria. I finish classes at 6:00 PM I eat dinner with my family I check my email on the computer. I watch TV from 11:00 to midnight.

16 Add more information Who ….? What ….? Where ….? When ….? Why ….? How ….?

17 I go to school at 8:00 AM. Where do you commute from? How do you go? How long does it take? Why do you go (by bicycle)?

18 Where do you commute from? I commute from my home near Tosa Yamada station to school every morning.

19 How do you go? I usually go to school by bicycle.

20 How long does it take? It takes about 20 minutes from my home.

21 Why do you go by bicycle? I like riding my bike to school because it is good exercise and it is good for the environment.

22 I go to school at 8:00 AM. I commute from my home near Tosa Yamada station to school every morning. I usually go to school by bicycle. It takes about 20 minutes from my home. I like riding my bike to school because it is good exercise and it is good for the environment.

23 No Translation Software! 0 points!

24 This is breakfast on this day. Only the tomato and bread : because it overslept if the usual though it is tamagokakegohan and a side dish. Bad Translation

25 Subject I Verb usually buy Object / Complement a sandwich or rice ball Method, Time, Location at O-bag everyday for lunch. Writing Grammar

26 Subject I Verb study eat use play Object / Complement math dinner my computer video games Method, Time, Location in the library at night. in the cafeteria everyday. every night from 9 to midnight. with my friends on the weekends.

27 Check Spelling with Microsoft Word

28 Check English with teacher! Breakfast! Most mornings I eat home-baked bread and some yogurt that I make myself. My own cooking is healthy. I do not worry about unhealthy chemicals in the food and I can save packaging! My commute! After a good breakfast, I commute to school by bicycle everyday. It only takes 15 minutes to cycle to work. Riding my bicycle keeps me healthy and it does not pollute the earth. I have a green lifestyle. Lunch! Everyday I bring my own lunch to work. I usually have leftovers from last night's dinner. If I pack my own lunch, I do not need to use a disposable plastic bento box. Working away! Once I get to work, I spend most of the day using my computer. Sometimes I worry because my computers use a lot of electricity! In addition, my eyes hurt after using computers all day.

29 My Bicycle I ride my bicycle to KUT everyday. I live about 5 km from school so it takes about 15 minutes to ride from my home to school. I like riding my bicycle because it keeps me feeling healthy. Also, if I ride my bicycle, I can save money and save the environment! AA

30 My Bicycle I ride my bicycle to KUT everyday. It takes about 15 minutes to ride from my home to school. I like riding my bicycle because it keeps me feeling healthy. Also, I can save money! A

31 My Bicycle I ride my bicycle to KUT everyday. It takes about 15 minutes to ride from my home to school. I like riding my bicycle because it is healthy. B

32 My Bicycle This is my bicycle. I ride it to school everyday. It takes about 15 minutes. C

33 My Bicycle This is my bicycle. I ride it to school everyday. D

34 I wake up get up sleep arrive make have start study play take buy go drive ride commute eat meet check read cook eat out watch spend practice exercise use read listen to talk / chat meet breakfast, lunch, dinner home, my apartment, dormitory TV, video games tennis, basketball, soccer English, math, physics, chemistry a nap shopping, a (shower, bath) email my bicycle, motorbike, car books, magazines, news radio, music in the (morning, afternoon, evening) on (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) on Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 P.M. early / late everyday after class (once, twice) a (day, week, month) at home at the library to class by myself with my parents with my friends in the dormitory outside to the movies to bed to school at school at the convenient for (food, clothes, snacks)

35 Asking for more information Who do you................ with? What kind of.............. do you (like) (have)? Where do you.................................? When do you...................................? Why do you......................................? How often do you................................? How (much) (many).............. do you have?

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