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Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- Fourth Edition (CELF-4)

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- Fourth Edition (CELF-4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- Fourth Edition (CELF-4)
Group Members: Jennifer Heitkemper, Terri Mooney, Jackie Schultheis, Courtney Combs, and Christin Assi

2 Test Background Author Publisher Age Range Cost: Eleanor Semel, Ed.D
Elisabeth H. Wiig, Ph.D Wayne A. Secord, Ph.D Publisher Pearson Education, Inc. Age Range 5-21 years Cost: Screening Test- $262 Includes: Screening Test Examiner’s Manual, CELF-4 Screening Test Record Forms (25), CELF-4 Screening Test Stimulus Book Cristin

3 Purpose An evaluation tool that is used to identify, diagnose, and conduct follow-up evaluations of language and communication disorders in patients between the ages 5 and 21 years old. The fourth edition has better assessment procedures that are comprehensive, flexible and multi- perspective Cristin

4 Design and Construction
Administered individually Used by: SLPs School Psychologists Special Educators Diagnosticians Materials: Examiner’s Manual Two Stimulus Books Record Forms 1 and 2 Observational Rating Scale Christin

5 The CELF-4 Assessment Process Model

6 Test Administration Stimulus Book is set up as an easel and placed between examiner and examinee Directions shown to examiner Visual stimuli shown to examinee Directions for each subtest are written on stimulus book and Record Form Certain subtests allow repetition Certain subtests have a ceiling Give example Terri

7 Subtests-Level 1 Concepts & Following Directions Word Structure
Formulated Sentences Recalling Sentences Word Classes 2 Word Definitions Jen

8 Concepts and Following Directions
C&FD 2

9 Word Structure A 1,2

10 Formulating Sentences

11 Subtests-Level 2 Word Classes 1 Sentence Structure
Expressive Vocabulary Word Definitions Sentence Assembly Semantic Relationships Understanding Spoken Paragraphs Cristin

12 Word Classes - 1 WC1 5

13 Sentence Structure SS 17

14 Expressive Vocabulary

15 Sentence Assembly SA 1

16 Semantic Relatioships

17 Subtests-Level 3 Phonological Awareness Word Associations
Rapid Automatic Naming Number Repetition 1 Familiar Sequences 1 Jackie

18 Rapid Automatic Naming
RAN Demo 1,2

19 Level 3 Assessment Demonstration
Familiar Sequences All Ages Repeat familiar sequences as fast as possible Alphabet Days of the Week Odd Numbers Etc. Number Repetition Repeat numbers forwards and backwards Jackie

20 Subtests-Level 4 Pragmatics Profile Observational Rating Scale

21 Scoring Test – Types of Scoring
Subtests Scaled Scores Confidence Intervals (68, 90, or 95% level) Percentile Ranks Confidence Interval Age Equivalents Criterion-Referenced Scores Meets/Does Not Meet Normal/Slower than Normal/Non-Normal Terri

22 Scoring Test – Types of Scoring
Core Language Score and Indexes Scaled Scores from specified tests are added together and converted to a standard score Standard Score Mean – 100 SD -15 Confidence Interval Percentile Rank Discrepancy Comparisons Looking for significance of differences between: Receptive Language Index/Expressive Language Index Language Content Index/Language Structure Index Terri

23 Test Score Interpretation
Norm-Referenced Core Language Score Norm-Referenced Index Scores Receptive Language Index Expressive Language Index Language Content Index Language Structure Index Working Memory Index Terri

24 Adequacy of Norms Age and ethnic background
Non-native English speakers and second language English speakers Not normed on other aspects Jackie

25 Test Strength and Limitations
Strengths Limitations Results give clinicians a broad view of student’s language skills 4 Levels of assessment allow for deeper understanding of possible underlying problems Multiple composite scores to assess student’s strengths and weaknesses Full test is time consuming to administer Clinician needs to be very familiar with dialects or language communities to which a student is exposed Any modifications made to the test invalidate the norms so scores cannot be reported No indication of normalization on ESL children Lack of engaging content for some subtests (ex. Recalling Sentences and Phonological Awareness) Heavy reliance on memory Jackie

26 Test Reliability Does this test provide consistent scores?
Test-Retest Reliability -Is the test dependable across repeated administrations. -Data showed that the test was reliable across all ages. No alternate form was administered. Internal Consistency -How well does the test measure one construct? - Split-half method Courtney

27 Test Validity Does this test measure what it is meant to measure?
Content Validity Positives Negatives Construct Validity Sensitivity- level of construct validity - Used diagnostics validity statistics to test sensitivity of various cut scores. Courtney

28 Questions?

29 References Alphonse, J. (Performer), Blakley, A. (Performer), & Brown, D. (Performer) (2011, Oct 26). Celf-4. ablakley24. [Video podcast]. Retrieved from Celf-4 case studies. (2008). Retrieved from B8EE-98CA705035A0/0/CELF4_Case_Studies.pdf Ryan, M. (Producer) (2012, March 28). Test and assessments group project: Celf-4. CELF-4. [Video podcast]. Retrieved from B8EE-98CA705035A0/0/CELF4_Case_Studies.pdf Semel, E., Wiig, E., & Secord, W. (2004). Clinical evaluation of language fundamentals: Fourth edition. (4th ed.). San Antonio : Pearson Education, Inc.

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