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Hey kids… Lets get healthy!. Fitness is Fun! We need to exercise in order to stay physically fit! Exercise is good for you! – It is good for your heart!

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Presentation on theme: "Hey kids… Lets get healthy!. Fitness is Fun! We need to exercise in order to stay physically fit! Exercise is good for you! – It is good for your heart!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hey kids… Lets get healthy!

2 Fitness is Fun! We need to exercise in order to stay physically fit! Exercise is good for you! – It is good for your heart! – It makes your muscles stronger! – You should exercise for at least 60 minutes a day.

3 There are many ways to get your daily exercise in: Take your dog on a walk. Go on a bike ride. Help with yard work. Go swimming. (with adult supervision) Make up a dance, hula-hoop, play tag! Play soccer, football, basketball, tennis, etc.

4 Bon Appétit! Food is a huge part of our lives. We eat each and every day! BUT some foods are better for us than others & it is important for us to be aware of what we are putting in our bodies. We need food from most all food groups every day!

5 The Food Pyramid Grains: 5-6 servings a day! – Bread, pasta, rice, cereal, etc. Fruits & Veggies: 3-5 servings a day! – Berries, bananas, apples, melons, grapes, broccoli, carrots, squash, spinach, etc. Dairy: 3-4 servings a day! – Milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. Meat/Protein: 2-3 servings a day! – Chicken, beef, pork, fish, nuts, beans, eggs, etc.

6 Nobody wants to be sick! Follow these tips in order to stay healthy & to feel great: – Wash your hands several times throughout the day & every time you go to the bathroom, eat, etc. – Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze! – Drink plenty of water & take a daily vitamin. – Get plenty of rest!

7 Follow all of these steps about fitness, nutrition, & basic health and… YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A HAPPY/HEALTHY CAMPER!

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