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By: Pat Hanson My Pyramid - Started by the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in 1994 to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans. -

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2 By: Pat Hanson

3 My Pyramid - Started by the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in 1994 to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans. - Its two primary objects are: Advance and promote dietary guidance for all Americans, and Conduct applied research and analyses in nutrition and consumer economics.

4 The Core Projects that support the Pyramid - Dietary Guidelines for Americans - USDA Food Guidance System (MyPlate, MyPyramid, Food Guide Pyramid) - Healthy Eating Index - U.S. Food Plans - Nutrient Content of the U.S. Food Supply - Expenditures on Children by Families

5 The Six Food Groups in the Pyramid - Oils - Vegetables - Fruits The one component of the Pyramid is Fitness! - Milks - Meats and Beans - Grains

6 Grains Health Benefits - Good source of fiber - Reduce risk of heart disease - Helps with weight management Examples - Bread - Wheat - Pasta - Rice

7 Vegetables Health Benefits - Protect against cancer - Lower risk of diabetes - Lower risk of Kidney Stones EXAMPLES - Corn - Tomatoes - Carrots - Lettuce - Onions - Potatoes

8 Fruits Health Benefits - Vitamin C - Potassium - Helps reduce bone loss Examples - Oranges - Apples - Bananas - Strawberries - Grapes

9 Milks Health Benefits - Calcium - Vitamin D - Maintain Bone Mass Examples - Cheese - Yogurt - Milk - Ice Cream

10 Oils Health Benefits - Vitamin E - Fatty Acids Examples - Nuts - Select fish - Olive oil - Corn oil

11 Meats and Beans (Protein) Health Benefits - Protein - Vitamin E - Vitamin C - Good source of calories Examples - Chicken - Beef - Steak - Beans - Fish

12 Daily Servings The amount of servings per day for the food groups are… - Milk and beans- 2 to 3 servings - Oils- Limited amount - Milk- 3 servings - Fruits- 2 to 4 servings - Grains- 6 to 11 servings - Vegetables- 2 to 3 servings

13 Fitnessgram - The Mypyramid is put on the back of the fitnessgrams that are completed by students all across the country each year. - This is there so students can learn the importance of getting the correct amount of physical activity and eat correctly to stay healthy and fit.

14 MyPyramid and Physical Activity - Just like how MyPyramid has a daily amount of servings for the different food groups, there is also a recommended amount of daily physical activity which is 30 minutes. - It says that students can either participate in moderate or vigorous activities which include….

15 Physical Activity Moderate Activity - Hiking - Dancing - Walking - Biking Vigorous Activity - Running -Basketball - Aerobics - Soccer - Hockey - Football

16 Energy Balance Chart Maintaining weightYour weight will stay the same when the calories you eat and drink equal the calories you burn. Losing weight You will lose weight when the calories you eat and drink are less than the calories you burn. Gaining weight You will gain weight when the calories you eat and drink are greater than the calories you burn.

17 MyPyramid Tips Foods to Increase - Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. - Make at least half your grains whole grains. - Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk. Foods to Reduce - Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals ― and choose the foods with lower numbers. - Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

18 More Tips - Make at least half your grains whole grains - Vary your veggies - Focus on fruit - Get your calcium rich foods - Go lean with protein - Find your balance between food and physical activity - Keep food safe to eat

19 MyPlate This is what a your plate should look like with the correct amount of each food group in one meal.

20 Reference


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