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+ TOMS Shoes English Saunders - Caitlin Gottstine Ann Sample - Marguerite Gray – Katherine Baker.

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Presentation on theme: "+ TOMS Shoes English Saunders - Caitlin Gottstine Ann Sample - Marguerite Gray – Katherine Baker."— Presentation transcript:

1 + TOMS Shoes English Saunders - Caitlin Gottstine Ann Sample - Marguerite Gray – Katherine Baker

2 + Video: Background of TOMS A History - TOMS.webloc

3 + Background of TOMS Blake Mycoskie Founded in 2006 Success of TOMS

4 + One for One Founded one the One of One mission

5 + Social Media Monitoring March 21 st - April 4 th @TOMS, Twitter Advanced Search, Facebook, Google Blog Search Used to determine credibility for blogs/online news sources. Everyday person vs. celebrity Source the article Subscriptions/fans Facebook likes/ blog replies barefoot-for-one-day-without- shoes/f4b1d82de55cfb40f5a3f4b1d82de55cfb40f5a3- 525562414350?q=toms+shoes+celebrities&FROM=LKVR5&GT1=LKV R5&FORM=LKVR11 barefoot-for-one-day-without- shoes/f4b1d82de55cfb40f5a3f4b1d82de55cfb40f5a3- 525562414350?q=toms+shoes+celebrities&FROM=LKVR5&GT1=LKV R5&FORM=LKVR11

6 + TOMS Marketing Campaign Instead of adapting to Twitter as a marketing tool, TOMSs success grew with Twitter as both Twitter and TOMS were both founded in 2006.

7 + What we learned through social media monitoring Positive company perception Uniqueness Pathos advertising Who is writing about it? A Day Without Shoes

8 + TOMS @ UA TOMS named University of Alabama Campus Club of the Week in January. UA TOMS have been sharing the TOMS movement since August.

9 + SWOT Analysis Strengths : One for One, credibility/visibility, reliable/charitable, grown with social media, global brand Weaknesses : newer company, availability, limited style, lack of diversity in advertising, relatively expensive products Opportunities : utilization of social media, more diversity in advertising, other non-profit organizations Threats : non-profit organization/shoe companies, demand increase, quality decline, potential lost of interest, social media $

10 + Recommended actions Different Tweets: For example - where the shoes can be bought, new stores that carry the product Traditional advertising Specific local Twitter accounts: campus reps Click to Donate section on Facebook Reach out to target markets for special events More videos with theme More celebrity endorsements Real time events live feed Create own TOMS store Factory tour: Engage customers in the original thought process of TOMS

11 +

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