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Mariet Verhoef-Cohen SI/E President 2007-2009. Soroptimists go for Water Too much Too little Too dirty.

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Presentation on theme: "Mariet Verhoef-Cohen SI/E President 2007-2009. Soroptimists go for Water Too much Too little Too dirty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mariet Verhoef-Cohen SI/E President 2007-2009

2 Soroptimists go for Water Too much Too little Too dirty

3 Programme areas 1.Human Rights/ Status of Women 2.Education and Culture 3.Economic and social development 4.Health 5.Environment 6.International goodwill and understanding

4 Did you know that: it takes 5,680 litres of water to process one barrel of beer it takes 1,000 litres to produce 1 litre of milk to process one chicken we need 44 litres of water to process one can of fruit or vegetables we need 35 litres of water about 25,700 litres of water is required to grow a day's food for a family of four. it takes 4,100 litres of water of a medium cotton T-shirt it takes 2,400 litres of water to produce a hamburger it takes 8,000 litres of water for a pair of shoes

5 Millennium Development Goals 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2.Achieve universal primary education 3.Promote gender equality and empower women 4.Reduce child mortality 5.Improve Maternal Health 6.Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7.Ensure environmental sustainability 8.Develop a global partnership for development

6 World population Current population 6.5 billion No clean drinking water 1.1 billion 17% No sanitation 2.6 billion 40%

7 World population


9 UNDP United Nations Development Programme 4.900 children die daily from water-related deseases Children miss 443 million school days per year 50% of poor country population have health problems Millions of women spend many hours per day getting water. The poor pay 5-10 times more for water than the rich



12 Awareness Advocacy Action

13 UNICEF Deputy Executive Director, Kul Gautam Providing water is in a way liberating and empowering women, a lack of water is not just an inconvenience for women it actually enslaves them. Once you provide water and sanitation, it really liberates them and it really opens up a virtuous cycle of development: girls can go to school; they will become better mothers, better citizens and that leads to national development.


15 Thank you and good luck

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