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PROJECT PROMOTIONAL PRESENTATION Main aim of partnership The Earth-our common home is concernig environmental conservation and education for children.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT PROMOTIONAL PRESENTATION Main aim of partnership The Earth-our common home is concernig environmental conservation and education for children."— Presentation transcript:



3 Main aim of partnership The Earth-our common home is concernig environmental conservation and education for children and parents. It is aiming: to incrise envronmental behaveour Sharing knowledge and pratical skills of protecting enviroment Coopeartion with parents Share good european practices in field of ecological upbringing and education. In realizing the aims we have planned the following main activities: -scheduled studies on ecological education; -making products from waste materials ; -organizing exhibitions; -introduction of separate collection of waste; -making the court yard look welcoming; -stocks collecting wastepaper; -organizing an ecological fancy dress party. Partners are planning to make the following final products: 1. A photo album of the children s waste art exhibitions. 2. DVDwith documented presentations and documented ecological activities. 3. CD collection of all partners meetings and presentations.

4 BULGARIA (Gorna Oriahovitsa) FINLAND (Turku) HUNGARY (Jászberény) POLAND (Chelmza) ROMANIA (Targoviste) SLOVENIA (Ljubljana) TURKEY (Kocaeli)

















21 Symbol of our kindergarten is Fir tree. It symbolizes evergreen life and ongoing continuous growth! It is simple, playful and happy! VRTEC JELKA Glavarjeva 18 a 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Kindergarten Jelka is public preschool upbringing educational organisation with primary goal to provide and to take care of child's foundational needs and wellbeing. Headmistress: NADA VERBIČ, prof.soc.ped


23 Kindergarten is open from 6.00 in the morning till 17.00 in the afternoon each working day from Monday to Friday. Preschool educational activities are based on national document Curriculum for preschool education. Each group of children has a preschool teacher and preschool teachers assistant. They plan, organise and offer children with playfully prepared activities based on preschool Curriculum Playrooms are equipped with playing corners where children can play and learn. Basic program offered in our kindergarten is daily program that lasts from 6 to 9 hours.. We are performing daily program that includes education, nursering, upbringing and nutrition for children from 1 to 6 years of age. We organise preschool curriculum based preschool upbringing education for: First oldness period –nursery ; children up to age of three Second oldness period children from three to their school admission Children are arranged based to their age into homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. In our regular groups of children we have interacted special needs children that are provided with special care.

24 A bit of kindergartens philosophy: During playtime child discovers possibilities for his/hers full expression and for his/hers right for equality in diversity. All early childhood essentialities happen in the family. Worlds future is in childrens hands and that is why the humanity owes them all the most beautiful things, which are to be given to the children for their future. The kindergarten is to offer children shelter of safety and love.

25 This is Romania and this is our county, Dâmboviţa. You can see also our town, Târgovişte

26 Rază de Soare Kindergarten Str. Alex. Vasilescu, nr 7, Târgovişte, Dâmboviţa, Romania e-mail: Headmaster: Prof. Petre Vasilica Project coordinator: Moldoveanu Elisabeta The Kindergarden was founded at 1st of September 1969 and it functioned with 250 pupils in 8 classes with children between 3 and 6 years and 4 classes with children between 4 months and 2 years. In 1976, the Kindergarden extends with a new building with 4 classes for children between 3 and 6 years with a capacity of one hundred kids. In present, the Kindergarden shelters almost 500 children between 3 and 6 years and 50 children between 1 and 3 years. Rază de Soare Kindergarten is a public pre-school, offering equal education for every child, no matter the gender, religion, nationality, social or cultural origins. Our aim is to provide a good education which means to satisfy children`s needs, developing skills and behavoiurs to the children and stimulating their development. Our kindergarten provide medical assistance, care assistance, psychological advisor, speech therapist, resting programme (from 13.00 to 15.00), nutrition (2 meals per day: breakfast and lunch and one snack at 15.00).

27 These are the two units of Raz ă de Soare (Sun Ray) kindergarten Rază de Soare kindergarten has 17 classes (that means 34 teachers) with about 500 children from 3 to 6 – 7. Each class has 2 teachers. 1st level: 1st grade – children of 3 – 4 years old 2nd grade – children of 4 – 5 years old 2nd level: 3rd grade – children of 5 – 6 years old 4th grade – children of 6 – 7 years old One day programme: 6.30 – 8.30: children are coming to the kindergarten 8.30 – 9.00: breakfast 9.00 – 11.30: educational activities (games and activities in the areas, common activities with all the group of children, optional activities and other games) 11.30 – 12.30: lunch and preparation for the sleep 12.30 – 15.00: rest programme (sleep) 15.00 – 16.30: games and activities with the children 16.30 – 17.30: departure

28 The areas (corner) in the classroom Art area Role play and drama area Constructions area Library area Science area Water and sand area COMMON ACTIVITIES - EDUCATIONAL FILEDS - Socio-human field Language and communication field Science field Aesthetic and creative field Psycho-motility field




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