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Warm-up On a sheet of paper, Answer these brain teasers: A plane crashes on the border of the U.S. and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors? Which.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up On a sheet of paper, Answer these brain teasers: A plane crashes on the border of the U.S. and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors? Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up On a sheet of paper, Answer these brain teasers: A plane crashes on the border of the U.S. and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors? Which is heavier? A pound of feathers, or a pound of rocks? In a year there are 12 months. 7 months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?

2 Emotional Intelligence
EQ & You Emotional Intelligence

3 How smart are you really?
During an interview, what do you think employers look for in a potential employee? Most job applicants expect to talk about their skills and experience in an interview. More and More, companies are looking for employees with a high level of emotional intelligence

4 What is Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is: The ability to recognize and manage emotions in ourselves and others. The concept of emotional intelligence has been around for some time, but is credited to: Daniel Goleman (psychologist)

5 Sooooo…. Why is Emotional Intelligence Important?
In today’s society, emotional intelligence us becoming a standard method of achieving business goals.

6 What is emotional intelligence?
Described as being aware of your own emotions Responding to them appropriately and doing the same with the emotions of other people. Emotional Intelligence is NOT the same as being an emotional person. Some with high emotional intelligence is not necessarily more emotional nor does he/she manage emotions by ignoring them. Two different people can have the same level of emotional intelligence

7 Cognitive Ability Intelligence traditionally refers to a person’s cognitive ability. Cognitive Ability – Is a person’s ability to learn and understand. This is the kind of intelligence you probably think about the most of the time. This is the kind of intelligence that allows you to do well in school, to solve, problems, and to learn new skills

8 The Basics of Emotional Intelligence
Being aware of your own emotions Responding to them appropriately Doing the same with others’ emotions

9 Can EQ be raised? Although there are ways to enhance a person’s cognitive ability, the brain capacity you are born with is pretty much the brain capacity you have throughout your life. That’s not necessarily true with emotional intelligence Psychologist disagree about the degree to which EQ can be raised EQ is a person’s level of emotional intelligence Current research suggests that EQ (emotional quotient) can be improved. Emotional intelligence is a specific behavior that you can study and prcatice

10 How emotionally smart are you?
Emotional intelligence is more difficult to measure than traditional intelligence because EQ involves a person’s response to a situation. Test for EQ: Self-reporting: you choose a response that describes how you would react in imaginary situations. Peer Feedback Problem-Solving Situations: used to measure an individual’s abilities in emotional intelligence

11 Companies Many organizations and companies use EQ test for employees:
US Air Force L’Oreal Metlife

12 What makes EQ? Emotional Intelligence is divided into four areas :
Self-Awareness Self-Management Social Awareness Relationship management

13 Self Awareness – Knowing your emotions
Awareness of emotions – How well do you know your own emotions include your moods and behavioral tendencies. Accurate self-assessment – Awareness of your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. Self-Confidence – Confidence from being able to deal with your assessment and emotions

14 Self-management: Managing your emotions
Self Control – Being able to control you emotions Transparency – Being who you are Adaptability – Adjusting to new and changing situations Achievement – Important to people with high emotional intelligence A positive attitude – Being Optimistic Self-Control keeps your from slamming the door, throwing small objects or otherwise acting foolish if you are angry Transparency – your motives, beliefs, and actions are just what they seem. You have nothing to hide and are trustworthy, never behaving in a manner that is “two-faced”

15 Social awareness – Knowing and understanding the emotions of others
Empathy – understanding the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another person Organizational awareness – a person’s ability to see the larger picture in an organization Service – Being willing to help others Empathy without empathy you only focus on our own needs and not relate to the needs of others

16 Relationship Management – Managing the emotions of others
Effective communication – Listen carefully and use words and body language to accurately reflect your thoughts and feelings. Recognition of others – acknowledging the significance of other people A sense of teamwork – You are cooperative, willing to share information and plans and able to draw others in.

17 Relationship Management
Negotiation Skills – They help you settle disagreements. Small differences of options can turn into major problems if you are not willing to see another person’s point of view and “give in a little” to reach an agreement. A change catalyst – Someone who recognizes the need to improve a situation and who works to make it happen. For example, when you see an unjust situation. Possible teaching moment - Negotiation skills – call two people for a debate short debate. Poll class for a topic.

18 Total Recall mins On the same sheet of paper from the brain teasers, answer the following on your own. What is emotional intelligence? How does emotional intelligence compare with traditional intelligence? Describe the significance of an EQ test? Explain the following skill areas of emotional intelligence: Self awareness Self-Management Social Awareness Relationship Management

19 EQ – Why Now Why is it important to pay attention to emotional intelligence? Because collaboration is becoming a standard method of achieving business goals.

20 Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Communicating needs effectively – When you are aware of your emotions, you can speak your wants and needs in a way more exact. Responding to Criticism – If you understand that being defensive is a natural first reaction, you can move beyond it and face the issue in a mature and productive way Solving Problems – it’s easier to solve problems when you can separate the negative feelings from positive actions

21 Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Being Flexible – “Nothing is Constant but change” Understanding other people’s needs – Realizing that the world does not revolve around us and respecting others needs and emotions Responding to difficult people – Trying to understand the motivation for a person’s bad behavior

22 Leaders and Emotional Intelligence
Research tells us the most effective leaders have high level of emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence and leadership sometimes overlap Proactive behavior Perseverance Positive Working Relationships Confidence

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