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Reconstruction Review

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1 Reconstruction Review

2 “Stimuli” Based Questions I can’t think of a name for this category
#Goals/ Amendments “Stimuli” Based Questions I can’t think of a name for this category Miscellaneous $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 What are the 3 Reconstruction Amendments (# and what they did)

4 13-Freedom 14-Citizenship 15-Voting

5 Name 3 of the 6 goals of Reconstruction

6 Fix government Reunite North and South End Slavery Fix economy Restructure Plantations Repair damages $200

7 After Lincoln was assassinated, who became President
After Lincoln was assassinated, who became President? What did Congress try to do to him? $300

8 Andrew Johnson Congress impeached him for breaking the Tenure of Office Act, but lost by one vote

9 What were TWO ways African Americans were limited in the right given by the 15th Amendment?

10 Grandfather clause Poll Tax Literacy Test KKK

11 The main intent of the literacy test described in the passage was to
"[The registrar] brought a big old book out there, and he gave me the sixteenth section of the constitution of Mississippi, I could copy it like it was in the book, but after I got through copying it, he told me to give a reasonable interpretation and tell the meaning of the section I had copied. Well, I flunked out." Source: A History of the United States since 1861 The main intent of the literacy test described in the passage was to   1. encourage reform of the political system    2. encourage Mississippi residents to learn about their state’s legal system    3. prevent African Americans from exercising a basic right    4. enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution  $500

12 3. Prevent African Americans from exercising a basic right (15th Amendment)

13 How were waiting rooms like this made legal?

14 Plessy vs. Ferguson $100

15 Based on the map below, name 5 states that the Emancipation Proclamation applied to

16 Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia

17 2. It brought investment capital to the South.
What effect did the system of sharecropping have on the South after the Civil War? 1. It kept formerly enslaved persons economically dependent. 2. It brought investment capital to the South. 3. It encouraged Northerners to migrate south. 4. It provided for a fairer distribution of farm profits $300

18 1. It kept formerly enslaved persons economically dependent.

19 This Louisiana Law is an example of _______________.
No negro shall be permitted to rent or keep a house within said parish. Any negro violating this provision shall be immediately ejected and compelled to find an employer; and any person who shall rent, or give the use of any house to any negro, in violation of this section, shall pay a fine of five dollars for each offence. $400

20 Black Codes $400

21 2. the guarantees in the Bill of Rights were applied to state actions
The 14th amendment provides that no "state [shall] deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." A direct result of this amendment was that 1. the process of amending the Constitution became slower and more complex 2. the guarantees in the Bill of Rights were applied to state actions 3. every citizen gained an absolute right to freedom of speech and assembly 4. the power of the Federal Government was sharply reduced $500

22 2. The guarantees of the Bill of Rights are applied to state actions

23 Define segregation and give an example

24 Separation by race different schools water fountains entrances

25 What was the outcome of the Plessy vs. Ferguson case?

26 Plessy was found guilty of breaking the law and separate but equal laws continued to be allowed.

27 The Black Codes fined African Americans for being unemployed and forced them to work for free to pay their fine. What amendment did this violate? $300

28 13th (freedom from slavery)

29 Other than racism, what problems might have occurred with the Freedmen’s Bureau?

30 Too many people to feed/educate/get jobs for not enough funding

31 Explain sharecropping

32 A poor farmer is given a plot of land owned by a rich white man
A poor farmer is given a plot of land owned by a rich white man. They farm the land and give the landowner a share of their crops. They often stay poor. $500

33 Which plan for Reconstruction wanted to punish the South and pass the 14th amendment?

34 Congress $100

35 What did the Freedmen’s Bureau do?

36 Provide schools/education, medicine and food for poor whites and freedmen

37 What is “white supremacy?”

38 When whites think they are better than other races (KKK)

39 Why did the Freedmen’s Bureau and Reconstruction end in the 1870s?

40 The South got its power and control back with the Compromise of 1877 and ended the program and Reconstruction $400

41 Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction wanted to ______________ the South and ______________ freedmen

42 Forgive, not help $500

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