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Health Related Fitness A measure of a person’s ability to perform physical activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Related Fitness A measure of a person’s ability to perform physical activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Related Fitness A measure of a person’s ability to perform physical activities.

2 Components of Health Related Fitness  1. Aerobic Fitness  2. Muscular Strength  3. Muscular Endurance  4. Flexibility  5. Body Composition

3 Aerobic Fitness  “The ability to engage in physical activity for long periods of time due to a strong heart and lungs and clear blood vessels. Examples: Running Cross Country Running the mile in class ANYTHING WHERE YOU MOVE CONSTANTLY AND KEEP YOUR HEART RATE UP FOR 20 MINUTES

4 Benefits of Aerobic Fitness  More efficient cardiovascular and respiratory systems  Decreased % of body fat  Increased feelings of well being, confidence and self esteem  Reduced risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer

5 Benefits of Aerobic Fitness (continued)  Weight control / weight loss  Increased energy and stamina  Decreased stress and tension  Improved Sleep

6 Muscular Strength  “The ability of a muscle to move high resistance for a short period of time. In other words: the greatest amount of force/power that a muscle can use against some form of resistance in a single effort. In other words: the greatest amount of force/power that a muscle can use against some form of resistance in a single effort. Example: Finding out your maximum bench press or squat FINDING OUT THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF WEIGHT YOU CAN MOVE

7 Muscular Endurance  “The ability of a muscle to move low resistance for a long period of time. In other words: the ability of a muscle to do continuous work over a long period of time Examples: Bench press with 12 repetitions, sit up test REPETITIONS OF STRENGTH EXERCISE

8 Benefits of Muscular Strength and Endurance  Increased muscular strength, endurance, and power  Increased metabolism (# of calories your body burns)  Reduced risk of injury  Increased bone density (strength of bones)  Increased lean muscle mass

9 Flexibility  “A joint’s ability to move through its full range of motion” EXAMPLE: Stretching at the beginning of class or practice

10 Benefits of Flexibility  Increased range of motion  Improved coordination  Reduced risk of injury  Improved posture and body alignment  Decreased muscle tension

11 Body Composition “The proportion of fat, muscle and bone of an individuals body” Improvement in Aerobic Fitness, Muscular Strength and Endurance will result in healthier body composition.

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