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2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop CJK Numerals: CEAL Best Practices Charlene Chou & CEAL CTP Subcommittee on RDA members March 28 th, 2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop CJK Numerals: CEAL Best Practices Charlene Chou & CEAL CTP Subcommittee on RDA members March 28 th, 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop CJK Numerals: CEAL Best Practices Charlene Chou & CEAL CTP Subcommittee on RDA members March 28 th, 2016 1

2 Agenda Background Remaining issues: options for discussion Non-numeral characters Series numbering Publication dates Ordinal numbers Series numbering Contents notes Publication dates Transcribe section in title proper but “not” in preferred title Next steps 2

3 Background CTP surveys and responses to LC PSD Post 2012 RDA Workshop, discussions/suggestions on the wiki 2013 document: CEAL CTP feedback on LC response 2014 CTP letter to LC PSD LC-PCC PS for 1.8.2, first alternative, added in September 2015 Announcement at the eastlib with MARC examples and modified information on 9/4/2015 Announcement at the eastlib 3

4 LC-PCC PS for 1.8.2, Alternative (1 st ): … except when recording numerals found in these non-Latin scripts: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, …: substitute Western-style Arabic numerals when non-Latin script numerals appear on the resource … 4

5 Announcement at the eastlib Announcement at the eastlib with MARC examples and modified information on 9/4/2015 EXAMPLE with MARC TAGS: Date of publication: Preferred source: 二〇一二 MARC record: 264 1 …, $c 2012. (for both non-Latin and romanized fields) Preferred source: 二千十二 MARC record: 264 1 …, $c 2012. (for both non-Latin and romanized fields) Preferred source: 民國一百 MARC record: 264 1 …, $c 民國 100 [2011] (for non-Latin field) 264 1 …, $c Minguo 100 [2011] (for romanized field) Numbering within series: Preferred source: 第四卷 MARC record: 490 1 … ; $v 第 4 卷 (for non-Latin field) 490 1 … ; $v di 4 juan (for romanized field) Note: This LC-PCC PS, 1.8.2, First Alternative applies only to those elements listed under RDA, 1.8.1 and *not* to other elements, such as titles proper. 5

6 Remaining issues Announcement: footnote: “this new Policy Statement has covered only some major categories, but the RDA Subcommittee is still working on a best practice document for other categories, e.g. series numbering including $n and $v, etc. Stay tuned for our update! …” Series numbering Non-numeral characters Ordinal numbers Contents notes Publication dates Non-numeral characters Year + month Year + month + year Others Perspectives Consider related rules such as rare books guidelines 6

7 Series numbering: non-numeral characters Enumeration (1.8.2, 1.8.3,, para. 1 & Example 1 for 上中下 at level one, e.g. 上卷 Option 1 [ 1 st alternative +] 490 1_... ; ǂv 上卷 490 1_... ; ǂv shang juan 830 _0... ; ǂv 1 卷. 830 _0... ; ǂv 1 juan. Option 2 [ 2 nd alternative +] 490 1_... ; ǂv 上卷 [1] 490 1_... ; ǂv shang juan [1] 830 _0... ; ǂv 1 卷. 830 _0... ; ǂv 1 juan. Option 3 [1.8.3 “substitute numerals for numbers expressed as words”] 490 1_... ; ǂv 1 卷 490 1_... ; ǂv 1 juan 830 _0... ; ǂv 1 卷. 830 _0... ; ǂv 1 juan. Option 4 [for rare books?] 490 1_... ; ǂv 上卷 490 1_... ; ǂv shang juan 830 _0... ; ǂv 上卷. 830 _0... ; ǂv shang juan. 7

8 Series numbering: non-numeral characters (2) Enumeration (1.8.2, 1.8.3,, para. 1 & Example 2 for 上中下 at level two on preferred source, e.g. 5 下 Option 1: 490 1_... ; ǂv 5 下 490 1_... ; ǂv 5 xia 830 _0... ; ǂv 5, 3. 830 _0... ; ǂv 5, 3. Notes: should the level 2 be recorded in 300 field rather than series numbering? Option 2 [1.8.2 2 nd alternative +] 490 1_... ; ǂv 5 下 [3] 490 1_... ; ǂv 5 xia [3] 830 _0... ; ǂv 5, 3. 830 _0... ; ǂv 5, 3. Option 3 [1.8.3 “substitute numerals for numbers expressed as words”] 490 1_... ; ǂv 5 [pt.]3 490 1_... ; ǂv 5 [pt.]3 830 _0... ; ǂv 5 [pt.]3. 830 _0... ; ǂv 5 [pt.]3. 8

9 Series numbering: non-numeral characters (3) Enumeration (1.8.2, 1.8.3,, para. 1 & Example 3 for 甲乙丙下, e.g. 12 乙 Option 1: 490 1_ 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12 乙 490 1_ Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12 yi 830 _0 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12, 2. 830 _0 Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12, 2. Option 2 [1.8.2 2 nd alternative +] 490 1_ 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12 乙 [2] 490 1_ Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12 yi [2] 830 _0 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12, 2. 830 _0 Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12, 2. Option 3 [1.8.3 “substitute numerals for numbers expressed as words”] 490 1_ 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12 [pt.]2 490 1_ Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12 [pt.]2 830 _0 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12 [pt.]2. 830 _0 Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12 [pt.]2. Option 4 (esp. for older materials to be more in sync with CGCRB) 490 1_ 重刊校正笠澤叢書 ; ǂv 甲 490 1_ Chong kan jiao zheng Li ze cong shu ; ǂv jia 830 _0 重刊校正笠澤叢書 ; ǂv 甲. 830 _0 Chong kan jiao zheng Li ze cong shu ; ǂv jia. 9

10 Series numbering: non-numeral characters (4) Enumeration (LC-PCC PS, Other characters, esp. considering other rules for rare books 天地玄黃, 宇宙洪荒, 元亨利貞, 春夏秋冬, etc. Option 1: Transcribe as it is Option 2: Convert it into numerals Others? 10

11 Series numbering: Ordinal numbers in 4xx/8xx fields Example 1: 沈從文著作集之一 on preferred source Option 1 [applying; 8xx applying PS & 24.6.A and D] 4901 沈從文著作集之一 8001 沈從文, ǂd 1902-1988. ǂt Works. ǂk Selections (1948) ; ǂv 1. Option 2: 4901 沈從文著作集之一 8001 沈從文, ǂd 1902-1988. ǂt Works. ǂk Selections (1948) ; ǂv zhi 1. Option 3: 4901 沈從文著作集之一 8001 沈從文, ǂd 1902-1988. ǂt Works. ǂk Selections (1948) ; ǂv 1st. Others? 11

12 Subseries numbering: Ordinal numbers in 4xx/8xx fields (2) Example 2: Guo jia min wei “min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu” zhi er ( 国家民委《民族问题五种丛书》之二 ) Option 1 for 490 [RDA] 490 1_ Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu" zhi er Option 2 for 490 [RDA] 490 1_ Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu." Zhi er Option 1 for 830 830 0 Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu." $n Zhi er. Option 2 for 830 830 0 Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu." $n Zhi 2. Option 3 for 830 830 0 Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu." $n 2nd. Option 4 for 830 830 0 Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu" zhi er. Option 5 for 830 830 0 Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu." $n 2. [PCC series training, S-9, p.5-6] 12

13 Ordinal numbering in 505 Example 3: v. 1, spine: 第一 自明治三十四年至大正二年 Option 1 : [LC-PCC PS,, Formal Contents Notes (Structured Descriptions), LC/PCC practice, 6, a)] 505 1_ 第一. 自明治三十四年至大正二年 -- 第二.... 505 1_ daiichi. Meiji sanjūshinen yori Taishō 2-nen ni itaru... -- daini.... Option 2 : [RDA & 1.8.5 for CJK “When recording ordinal numerals from a source in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, record them as numerals accompanied by the character indicating that the numeral is ordinal.] 505 1_ 第 1. 自明治三十四年至大正二年 -- 第 2.... 505 1_ dai 1. Meiji 34-nen yori Taishō 2-nen ni itaru... -- dai 2.... Option 3 : [Hybrid approach] 505 1_ 第一. 自明治三十四年至大正二年 -- 第二.... 505 1_ dai 1. Meiji 34-nen yori Taishō 2-nen ni itaru... -- dai 2.... 13

14 Publication dates Non-numeral characters & Year + month + day 14

15 Publication dates with non-numeral characters Example: 平成元年発行 (argument: 元 interpreted as “numbers expressed as words” by applying RDA 1.8.3) Option 1 [Either 元 interpreted as a form of numeral by applying RDA 1.8.2 PS or as “numbers expressed as words” by applying RDA 1.8.3 “Substitute numerals for numbers expressed as words”] 264 _1..., ǂc 平成 1 [1989] 264 _1..., ǂc Heisei 1 [1989] Option 2 [1.8.2 when you don’t think it’s a form of numeral +; in sync with Chinese older materials (CGCRB)] 264 _1..., ǂc 嘉慶元年 [1796] 264 _1..., ǂc Jiaqing yuan nian [1796] Notes: Date in bracket is application of RDA, Optional addition Others? 15

16 Cyclical dates Example on preferred source: 康熙戊寅 (cyclical date). In what kind of situation i.e. when date of publication include dynasty name, reign name, cyclical date, or year of reign, do we apply LC-PCC PS 1.8.3? Option 1: RDA 1.8.2 when you don’t think it’s a form of numeral + RDA (same as ALA-LC Romanization Tables for Chinese) 264 1..., $c 康熙戊寅 [1698] 264 _1..., $c Kangxi wu yin [1698] Option 2 : RDA 1.8.2 2 nd alternative when you don’t think it’s a form of numeral + RDA (same as CGCRB) 264 1..., ǂc 康熙戊寅 [37 年, 1698] 264 _1..., ǂc Kangxi wu yin [37 nian, 1698] 16

17 Publication dates with month or more Year + month: Example 1: 2013 年 12 月 Option 1: 2013 nian 12 yue Option 2: 2013 nian 12 yue [December 2013] Option 3: 2013, 12 yue Option 4: 2013, 12 Example 2: 民國 104 年 1 月 Option 1: Minguo 104 nian 1 yue [2015] Option 2: Minguo 104 nian 1 yue [January 2015] Year + month + date: Example 1: 2015 年 2 月 1 日 Option 1: 2015 nian 2 yue 1 ri Option 2: 2015 nian 2 yue 1 ri [February 1, 2015] Example 2: 民國 104 年 1 月 1 日 Option 1: Minguo 104 nian 1 yue 1 ri [2015] Option 2: Minguo 104 nian 1 yue 1 ri [January 1, 2015] 17

18 Transcribe section in title proper but “not” in preferred title Related rules RDA,, paragraph 2: If the part is identified only by a general term with or without a numeric or alphabetic designation of the part as the preferred title for the part. Record the numeric designation as a numeral. RDA,, paragraph 1: When identifying a sequence of two or more consecutively numbered parts of a work, each of which is identified only by a general term and a number, record the designation of the parts as the preferred title.... Record the numeric designations as numerals. 18

19 Transcribe section in title proper but “not” in preferred title Example: Title page: 源氏物語 柏木 河海抄 卷第十五 245 00 源氏物語. ǂp 柏木. ǂb 河海抄. ǂn 卷第十五 / ǂc... 245 00 Genji monogatari. ǂp Kashiwagi. ǂb Kakaishō. ǂn Maki daijūgo / ǂc... 700 12 ǂi Container of (work): ǂa 四辻善成, ǂd 1329- 1402. ǂt 河海抄. ǂn 卷第 15. 700 12 ǂi Container of (work): ǂa Yotsutsuji, Yoshinari, ǂd 1329-1402. ǂt Kakaishō. ǂn Maki dai 15. 740 02 河海抄. ǂn 卷第十五. 740 02 Kakaishō. ǂn Maki daijūgo. 19

20 Next steps: recommendations The key points of a draft guideline will be discussed in the 2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop for comments and updates. After agreed by the majority of CEAL members, the document of best practices will be sent to PCC and LC PSD for comments. 20

21 Q & A Discussion: Next steps for remaining issues 21

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