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The Middle East: Physical Geography. The Crossroads of Civilization The Middle East is called the “Crossroads of Civilization” b/c… The Middle East is.

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle East: Physical Geography. The Crossroads of Civilization The Middle East is called the “Crossroads of Civilization” b/c… The Middle East is."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle East: Physical Geography

2 The Crossroads of Civilization The Middle East is called the “Crossroads of Civilization” b/c… The Middle East is located in a____________________________, both historically & today.

3 Peninsulas ________________________________: Most distinctive landform in the Middle East Saudi Arabia takes up most of the Arabian Peninsula

4 Rivers ____________________________: Located in Egypt Longest river in the world; 4,130 miles long _____________________________________: 2 most important rivers. Flow through parts of Turkey, Syria, & Iraq. Valleys around rivers are fertile

5 Rivers ___________________________: Located between Israel & Jordan Is a tributary for the Dead Sea; a tributary is a… Provides much needed water to this area Important to Christianity & Judaism: Christians believe this is where John the Baptist baptized Jesus; Jews believe this is site where Israelites crossed into the Promised Land

6 Bodies of Water The Middle East is almost completely surrounded by water which is vital for trade & access to rest of the region & the world. __________________________: Landlocked Salt Lake located east of Jordan & west of Israel Only bacteria can live in the water See video notes, “Is the Dead Sea Dying?”

7 Is the Dead Sea Dying? Video Notes,32068,71715312001_2016083,00.html The Dead Sea loses about ________________________ of water a year. The human body is buoyant on the Dead Sea. Based on the video, what does buoyant mean? _______________________________ The most common cause of death in the Dead Sea is ________________. People do not realize how salty the water is & drink it; within 3 minutes they can die. There are only a few cases of this a year though. Experts say in _______ years the Dead Sea will have shrunk to the size of a small lake.

8 Is the Dead Sea Dying? Video Notes The Dead Sea got its name because ________________________________ The loss of the Dead Sea is dangerous to people right now b/c _________________. There are already ________of these ranging in size along the edge of the Sea. The demise of the Dead Sea is not a natural occurrence, but _____________________ Why is the Dead Sea dying? 1. Water is being diverted from its main tributary, the Jordan River, for ____________ ________________________ in surrounding countries. 2. _______________________- The Dead Sea has potash, a valuable fertilizer. It is called “white gold” b/c of its value. Companies evaporate the water so it is easier to extract the potash.

9 Bodies of Water ______________________________: Extremely_____________________; world's largest single source of crude oil Oil rich countries which have coastline on Persian Gulf produce 25% of world’s oil ________________________: Seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean ____________________________: Almost completely enclosed by land- Europe to north, Africa to south, & Middle East to east

10 Bodies of Water ___________________________: ________________________________________________ Water route to Indian Ocean Very _________________________________

11 Bodies of Water ___________________________: Narrow water passageway leading from Arabian Sea to Persian Gulf Very Important b/c _____________________________________ in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, & Iraq.

12 Mountain Ranges _________________________Mountains: Located in Afghanistan Passageway from Afghanistan to Pakistan ________________Mountains: Located in western Iran ________________Mountains: Separate Turkey from the rest of the Middle East

13 Natural Resources: Oil ______________ is the region’s most abundant natural resource. Middle East controls _________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Oil rich nations enjoy remarkable growth & a high standard of living. Ex: Kuwait- free education & healthcare Dubai Video:

14 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): Definition: (1960) Organization of major oil-producing countries started to… Members: Some ME members are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, & Saudi Arabia

15 OPEC (continued) Goal of OPEC: To… OPEC Actions: (1970s) ME oil producing nations begin to use oil as a weapon.

16 Natural Resources: Other Water: Very ___________________________________ natural resource Used for hydroelectric power. Water Shortages Caused by: ____________________________________ ____________________________________: water used for irrigation; 80% of water used for irrigation Dealing with Water Shortages in the Middle East: ___________________________: Method which delivers a measured amount of water to each plant. Pump water & fertilizer directly to roots of plants; controlled by computer _____________________________: Converts water from surrounding salt seas into fresh water

17 Natural Resources: Other Coal Copper Potash Phosphates Calcium Chloride (around Dead Sea)

18 The Middle East: Variety in Arid lands The Middle East is extremely arid… Large portion of the land is covered in _____________________ _____________________ --- sand dunes, slat flats. Rivers do not flow year round, but vegetation/animals living in desert can survive w/ little water & extreme temperatures. Use irrigation to create productive farmland.

19 deserts Deserts reduce travel & limit almost all human-environment interaction. 2 Kinds of Desert in Middle East: 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ Rub al-Khali Desert

20 Sandy deserts 1.Rub al-Khali aka: “place where no one comes out”.

21 Sandy deserts 2. An-Nafud Desert Occasional oasis---.

22 Sandy deserts 3. Syrian Desert Separates… 4. Negev Desert In ___________________________..

23 Salt deserts Salt Deserts are created when… _________________ (central Iran) & ___________ (eastern Iran). Salt-encrusted lands surrounded by quicksand-like salt marshes. Extremely hot. Rugged & no one lives there.

24 Semiarid lands ___________________________________ in the Middle East are _______________________________________. _______________________________________________ w/ ______________________________________________& some low-growing shrubs. Also, good pasture for animals. Turkey has semiarid climate.

25 Well-watered coast lands Most areas of Middle East are arid or semiarid, but… Hot summers & rainy winters (similar to climate in southern California). Grow citrus fruits, olives, & vegetables. Can grow crops year round (mild in winter & heavy irrigation in dry summers). ________________________________________--- highly populated.

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