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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Foundation of Government Executive Branch Legislative.

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2 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Foundation of Government Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch Random

3 The Declaration of Independence says we have “unalienable rights” which means…

4 They can’t be taken away

5 Implied powers are assumed by the federal government because of this…

6 Elastic Clause

7 This was the first government of the United States after gaining independence

8 Articles of Confederation

9 What is the process to amend the Constitution?

10 2/3rds vote in both houses and 3/4ths vote of states

11 These rights were inherent to all men according to John Locke.

12 What are natural rights. Life, liberty and right to own property?

13 This cabinet member advises the President on foreign relations

14 Secretary of State

15 What is the formula to determine the number of electoral college votes a state gets?

16 # of Representatives + # of Senators (2)

17 The role of the President when he/she proposes or vetoes bills

18 Chief Legislator

19 What prior government position has been the most common prerequisite to become President in the last 40 years?

20 Governor

21 Congress passed this is 1951, ensuring Presidents can only serve 2 terms.

22 22 nd Amendment

23 The term for having two houses in Congress

24 What is Bicameral

25 For Congress to pass bills over the President’s veto they must do what

26 2/3rds vote of both houses

27 Most powerful person in the Senate

28 Majority Leader

29 The largest number of changes to a bill are likely to be made when the bill is where

30 In committee

31 What is the drawing of district lines to favor a particular political party or candidate?

32 What is gerrymandering.

33 In the Judicial branch when a decision is based on a case that has already been decided.

34 What is precedent

35 A court opinion reflecting the view of a minimum of five of the judges.

36 What is a majority opinion?

37 Justices for the Supreme Court are nominated by

38 The President

39 The US has a dual court system. What are the two jurisdictions?

40 State courts and federal courts.

41 Supreme Court justice nominees must be approved by

42 The Senate

43 Supreme Court Decision that established “separate but equal” services and facilities for African Americans.

44 What is Plessy vs. Ferguson?

45 Case that decided laws against abortion are unconstitutional

46 Roe vs Wade

47 Case that decided police must inform you of your 5 th and 6 th Amendment Rights

48 Miranda vs Arizona

49 How many electoral votes does it take to win the Electoral College?

50 270

51 Congress passed this in 1973, ensuring Presidents can only send troops somewhere for a limited time without a declaration of war.

52 War Powers Act

53 FINAL JEOPARDY! Correctly list 7 of the first 10 amendments to the Constitutions


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