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American Government Mr. Bordelon.  Articles  Constitutionalism  Rule of law  Separation of powers  Checks and balances  Veto  Judicial review 

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Presentation on theme: "American Government Mr. Bordelon.  Articles  Constitutionalism  Rule of law  Separation of powers  Checks and balances  Veto  Judicial review "— Presentation transcript:

1 American Government Mr. Bordelon

2  Articles  Constitutionalism  Rule of law  Separation of powers  Checks and balances  Veto  Judicial review  federalism  Amendments  Amendment process  Bill of Rights  Executive agreement  Treaties  Cabinet

3  A governmental system in which the powers of government are divided on a geographic basis.

4 ◦ Federalism.

5  The group that makes the formal selection of the nation’s President.

6 ◦ Electoral college.

7  The idea that government must conduct itself in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.

8 ◦ Constitutionalism.

9  The power of courts to determine the constitutionality of a law or other governmental action.

10 ◦ Judicial review.

11  A system by which one branch of government can be restrained by one or both of the branches.

12 ◦ Checks and balances.

13  Under the principle of _____, the Federal Government has three equal branches.

14 ◦ Separation of powers.

15  The Constitution is divided into seven major sections, called _____.

16 ◦ Articles.

17  The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known as the _____.

18 ◦ Bill of Rights.

19  _____ results in changes to the written words of the Constitution.

20 ◦ Formal amendment.

21  The principle of _____ states that government must be bound by a fundamental law.

22 ◦ Rule of law.

23  What are the six basic principles of the Constitution?

24 ◦ Popular sovereignty ◦ Limited government ◦ Checks and balances ◦ Separation of powers ◦ Judicial review ◦ Federalism

25  How are popular sovereignty and limited government related?

26 ◦ Popular sovereignty states that the people are the source of all government power. ◦ Limited government states that the government can do only those things that the people have given it the power to do.

27  What is the purpose of checks and balances?

28 ◦ To prevent one branch of government from having too much power over the other branches.

29  How can the judicial branch check the legislative branch?

30 ◦ Judges may overturn a law when they decide that it is unconstitutional.

31  How can the executive branch check the legislative branch?

32 ◦ Presidents may veto legislation and call special sessions.

33  How many amendments have been added to the Constitution?

34 ◦ 27


36  How does federalism apply in the amendment process?

37 ◦ Federal government proposes and states ratify.

38  Name one way the Constitution has been changed by informal amendment.

39 ◦ Passage of basic legislation by Congress ◦ Actions taken by the President ◦ Key decisions of the Supreme Court ◦ Activities of political parties ◦ Custom

40  How has Congress contributed to the process of constitutional change and development?

41 ◦ By passing laws that fill out the provisions of the Constitution and laws that expand congressional power.

42  Name one example of the exercise of presidential power that show the constitutional change by informal amendment.

43 ◦ Use armed forces as commander in chief (without congressional declaration of war; think emergency defense). ◦ Executive agreements.

44  Name one way in which custom has affected the constitution.

45 ◦ Cabinet ◦ Third-terms

46  What is a treaty? What is an executive agreement?

47 ◦ An executive agreement is a pact made by the President directly with the head of a foreign state. ◦ A treaty is a binding international agreement that requires the Senate to ratify/agree/consent.

48  Amendments!

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