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Human Development From beginning to end outline human development.

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1 Human Development From beginning to end outline human development.

2 Human Development Embryonic and fetal development occur during pregnancy –Pregnancy is carrying one or more embryos Divided into three trimesters

3 Human Development First trimester- Embryo –Fertilization occurs in the oviduct Fertilized egg is a Zygote

4 Human Development First trimester- Embryo –Day 1- the zygote begins dividing

5 Human Development First trimester- Embryo –Day 4 - the zygote reaches the uterus –Day 7- cells are now a ball of cells called a blastocyst –Day 12 - egg implantats in the endometrium After implantation zygote is called an embryo

6 Human Development First 2 to 4 weeks: Food comes from endometrium During this time, the placenta is formed.

7 Human Development The placenta allows movement of material between blood of mom and baby –Oxygen –Nutrients –Antibodies Maternal Fetal

8 Human Development 5 week old human embryo ~1 cm long

9 Human Development Organogenesis occurs during the first trimester –Week 4: the heart is beating –Week 8: all major structures of the adult are present but undeveloped –High chance for miscarriage here heartbeat-and-a-birth-728.htm

10 Human Development First trimester – mother –High estrogen and progesterone production –This maintains the endometrium Food for baby

11 Human Development High levels of progesterone cause –Increased mucus in the cervix mucus plug mucus plug –Growth of the placenta –Enlargement of the uterus –stopping menstrual cycling –Breasts enlarge rapidly and are often very tender

12 Human Development 14 week old human fetus ~6 cm long

13 Human Development 20 week old human fetus ~30 cm long

14 Human Development Third trimester –Fetus grows rapidly –Fetal activity may decrease as the fetus fills the space available to it –Mom’s organs become compressed and displaced Frequent urination, digestive blockage, strain in the back muscles –Concludes with birth

15 Human Development Birth is a series of strong, rhythmic contractions of the smooth muscle of the uterus known as labor This is accomplished through the interaction of a variety of hormones –Dilation of the cervix –Delivery of the infant –Delivery of the placenta

16 Human Development After birth –The mother will typically continue to bleed for 2-3 weeks Will begin to produce milk in 2-3 days –The baby can feed immediately will need to be fed every 2-3 hours for the first two weeks of life

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