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BELLWORK Describe what each person is known for: 1. John Locke 2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 3. Voltaire 4. Nicolas Copernicus 5. Galileo Galilei 6. Isaac Newton.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK Describe what each person is known for: 1. John Locke 2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 3. Voltaire 4. Nicolas Copernicus 5. Galileo Galilei 6. Isaac Newton."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK Describe what each person is known for: 1. John Locke 2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 3. Voltaire 4. Nicolas Copernicus 5. Galileo Galilei 6. Isaac Newton

2 Review Game: Slate & Race A question will appear on the board and you must race to answer it. You may use your notes and book. Once you write the answer on your slate, hold it up so I can check it. First five CORRECT responses will get a point. However many points each team earns will get added on to their study guide as extra credit.

3 The western European system of political power, in which kings and nobles pledged mutual support

4 Feudalism

5 Which two countries fought in the Hundred Years’ War?

6 England & France

7 Which Pope called the First Crusade?

8 Urban II

9 What was the name of the Aztec capital city?

10 Tenochtitlan

11 Who was the founder of Judaism?

12 Abraham

13 How did BOTH the Aztec and Inca empires end?

14 Who signed the Magna Carta, which limited the King’s power? Conquered by the Spanish

15 How did Joan of Arc die?

16 She was burned at the stake

17 How did BOTH the Aztecs and Inca worship their gods?

18 Human and animal sacrifices

19 Who invented the Printing Press?

20 Johann Gutenberg

21 Doubt or disbelief with regard to a religion?

22 Skepticism

23 The term “Renaissance” literally translates to

24 Rebirth

25 John Calvin established a church-ran state in Switzerland, also known as a

26 Theocracy

27 The Catholic Church allowed payments for forgiveness, also known as,

28 Indulgences

29 Triangular trade was a pattern of trade between which three continents?

30 Americas, Europe and Africa

31 Who was first king of the Franks?

32 Clovis

33 Who was the first Mongol emperor in China?

34 Kublai Khan

35 What is the sacred text of Hinduism?

36 Upanishads

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