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Road To The American Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Road To The American Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Road To The American Revolution

2 Events Sugar Act Stamp Act Townshend Act Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party Intolerable Act First Continental congress Lexington And Concord Second Continental Congress Declaration Of Independence

3 Sugar Act 1764 Cause: Colonist were smuggling goods.
Affect: More imports were taxed.

4 Stamp Act 1765 Cause: The British taxed Colonies to pay for debts from the French and Indian War. Affects: Dice, Newspapers, Magazines, etc…were all taxed.

5 Townshend Act 1767 Cause: To gain revenue from the American Colonies.
Affect: They organized resistance and spoke out against it.

6 Boston Massacre 1770 Cause: Soldiers came home and took all the jobs.
Affect: Fist fight broke out between soldiers and civilians, four people were killed.

7 Boston Tea Party 1773 Cause: Lord North passed the Tea Act.
Affect: 15,000 pounds of tea dumped into the Boston Harbor

8 Intolerable Acts 1774 Cause: King George III was infuriated
Affect: Boston Harbor was shut down

9 First Continental Congress
1774 Cause: To defend Colonial rights. Affect: If the British used force than they would fight back.

10 Lexington And Concord 1775 Cause: Minuteman quietly stocked up on firearms and gunpowder. Affect: Bloodred and humiliated

11 Second Continental Congress
1775 Cause: The Loyalties that divided the colonist sparked endless debates. Affect: Appointed George Washington as Commander, recognized the continental Army.

12 Declaration Of Independence
1776 Cause: Main Colonist wanted independence. Affect: Set the American Colonist free.

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