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Page 258: Bell ringer: If you were a nation giving assistance to another nation, what services would you provide them? Objective: Analyze how international.

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2 Page 258: Bell ringer: If you were a nation giving assistance to another nation, what services would you provide them? Objective: Analyze how international crises impact global policies. Describe the ways the post-WWII Superpowers competed for global dominance Homework: Outline/Thesis Page 259: Attach “Truman Doctrine” Page 260: Attach: “Textbook A” Page 261: Attach: Inside North Korea

3  Outline was due today  Thesis statement is due Wednesday › If you can – turn it in early!  Tutorial on Tues/Thursday  Good things?

4  Take 5 minutes and read/answer questions about the Truman Doctrine.  1947 – Truman Doctrine › Limit the spread of communism › Promise to aid those resisting communism › Greece and Turkey

5  Take 5 minutes and read/answer questions about the Marshall Plan  1947 – Marshall Plan › US plan to help Western Europe rebuild after the war  Economic assistance

6  Take 5 minutes and read/answer questions about the “iron curtain”  1946 – Churchill saw an “iron curtain” dividing communist nations (in Eastern Europe) from capitalist ones (in Western Europe)iron curtain



9  Identify each point below as an advantage or disadvantage. › If it is labeled advantage, hold up ORANGE (be prepared to describe why ) › If it is labeled disadvantage, hold up BLUE (be prepared to describe what could be done to make it an advantage) 1. If the United States showed off its military strength and tried to force the Soviet Union to open up the land and water routes into West Berlin, it could lead to another war. 2. The airport in Berlin could not handle all the increased air traffic. 3. Using the planes necessary to make the airlift successful would make the United States military less able to defend our country if it were attacked. 4. General Clay, President Truman's military advisor, thought the Soviets would probably attack armed convoys bringing in supplies by land. 5. General Clay thought the Soviets would not attack our airplanes unless they had decided to go to war with us.

10  Each group will receive a piece of poster board. Align each square on the poster with a difference person.  Each person will have 3 minutes to construct an original response to the question. › The poster will rotate after 3 minutes. › Each person will then have 2 minutes to respond to the previous classmate’s post.

11 Should American foreign policy include intervening in the conflicts of other nations?

12  During Second World War, the Allies decided to divide Korea at the 38 th parallel. North = Soviet Union = Communist South = America = Democratic, non-communist  Both sides wanted to re-unify the country under their own rule. › The US backed and fought with the South › China fought with the North  After years of fighting, decided to keep country divided at 38 th parallel  Our question: Who started the Korean War?

13  In pairs, read excerpts from Text Book A and Text Book B › Answer corresponding questions in your notebook › Time: 10 minutes

14  Inside North Korea Inside North Korea  Answer questions on Page 263 in your notebook

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