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Road to 9-11 Timeline of events which shape the Modern Middle East.

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Presentation on theme: "Road to 9-11 Timeline of events which shape the Modern Middle East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road to 9-11 Timeline of events which shape the Modern Middle East

2 Post WWI Subjugation of the former Ottoman Empire by the Western Powers –Britain and France –Creation of: Palestine, Lebanon, Transjordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait Shame of the loss of empire leads to frustration and violence against the oppressive colonial powers

3 Post WWI Turkey –Under Ataturk, Turkey becomes a secular (non-religious) republic –Modern, Western styles, the inclusion of women and Roman alphabet Saudi Arabia –Family of Saud consolidate the Arabian peninsula into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

4 1920s Egypt –In response to Western ideals Feminism grows Atheism grows –Muslim Brotherhood emerges as a reaction One of a number of extremist groups Anti-western(Predecessor of Al Qaeda) –Renew dedication to Pure Islam

5 1930s and 1940s Iraq –Nazi Influence Anti-Semitism (misnomer) Baath Party established as a clone to Nazi Party –Extreme nationalism

6 Post WWII End of Empire –Britain and France must forfeit colonies across the globe Oppressive Regimes established in wave of Independence Creation of the State of Israel –1948 War with Arab neighbors (1967 Six Day War, 1973 Yom Kippur)

7 Post WWII Creation of the State of Israel –Palestinian Israeli Conflict at the heart of Arab discontent

8 Cold War USSR- Patron of anti-western sentiment –Takes over Nazi role of 1930s and 1940s –Hesitant because of Soviet atheism, but Socialism is appealing to the traditionally oppressed Soviet alliances call for closer ties between Israel and the US –Egypt- President Abdel Nasser needs capital for Aswan Dam and makes Socialist reforms Iraq and Syria also begin closer ties with USSR, especially weapons imports US begins to FUND Muslim Brotherhood!!!???!!!

9 Cold War Socialism creates economic stagnation Economic downfall –Difficult to feed populations and provide economic opportunities

10 1967 Six Day War Armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria attempt to invade and control Israel –Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria contribute troops and weapons Second Failure (This time Israel is backed by US) Heads of state are assassinated or deposed and extreme autocratic, oppressive regimes put in place

11 OIL Oppressive and Autocratic regimes do not need taxes from the population –Oil profits provide all the power they need –US and Western Europe are primary trading partners Therefore partners in oppression Why develop balanced economies when you can just pump more oil?

12 Wahabi Traditional Fundamental Extreme Fascist Radical –Founded and widespread in Saudi Arabia –Exported to the rest of the globe –KKK comparison is brilliant!!!

13 Iran Ayatolloh Khomeini 1979 revolution against the Shah –Shah an ally of US CIA backed coup against PM looking to nationalize (socialize) –Oppressive Autocracy

14 Iran Shiite religiously, Persian ethnically Template for Arab, Sunni Islamic Government (Republic) –Based on Sharia –Theocracy (can be harsh compared to open society) Seize US Embassy and hold hostages- Influence 1980 Presidential election- Reagan wins!

15 Egypt Anwar Sadat –Assassinated by the Muslim Brotherhood –Camp David Accords? Soft on Israel? Crackdown as backlash to assassination –New, more dangerous, even more radical fundamentalist branch of Wahhabism and Muslim Brotherhood Sayyid Qutb Ayman al-Zawahiri –Al-Qeada

16 Afghanistan Osama bin Laden –Anti-Soviet struggle (1979-1989) –Arab-Afghan Mujahedeen (Holy Warriors) –Arab victory against godless USSR –Al-Qaeda is born Wants to rid Kuwait of Iraqi Aggressors –Persian Gulf War –Snubbed by Saudis in favor of US and Western dominated coalition (UN)

17 Al-Qaeda Infidels in the holy land Supports corrupt Saudis Supports Israel Attack the head of the snake Therefore 9-11

18 Current Based on the tradition of interactions between the Arab (Islamic) World and the West in the Middle East, how would most Afghans (2001) and Iraqis (2003) have reacted to the US invasions? Occupations?

19 Future How do we (the United States) fix the situation?How do we END the Global World on Terror?

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