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Chapter 4 Section 3 Classical Greece The Challenge of Persia (In the italicized section) list the time period of classical Greece What Greek city-states.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Section 3 Classical Greece The Challenge of Persia (In the italicized section) list the time period of classical Greece What Greek city-states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Section 3 Classical Greece The Challenge of Persia (In the italicized section) list the time period of classical Greece What Greek city-states were located on Asia Minor? Who was the Persian leader who sought revenge after Greek city states revolted? What was the military strategy of Themistocles? Who was the Persian ruler now who sought revenge? Describe what happened at Thermopylae. What did the Athenians do with their city? And the result of the naval battle at Salamis? Plataea? Turning point-Pericles expands Athenian Democracy List the examples of how Democracy treats everyone equally—regardless of class. The Athenian Empire What was the purpose of the Delian League? Who controlled it? What did Athens create?

2 What was the Age of Pericles? Who was the dominant figure? What was achieved? The Age of Pericles Direct Democracy: what is it? How did it work in Athens? Explain what happened at the assembly that met every ten days. How was is possible for the poor to participate? Who made that possible? What did the generals of the city do? What is ostracism? Explain how the ostrakon was used. Describe how Athens flourished after the Persian Wars. Daily life in Classical Athens What rights and responsibilities did foreigners have in Athens? How were slaves treated, what tasks did they have to perform?

3 Great Peloponnesian War List the opposing sides and their respective league Describe both sides’ strategies for the war. How long did the war last? What were some of the tragedies that happened in Athens. With Athens’ defeat, what else also ended? List all the city-states that competed for power. Which power finally took over the Greeks? Economy and Society Why was the port of Piraeus important? How much grain did they import? What was the role of the family in Athens life, and what was a women’s life like in Athens? List some of the restrictions women had to live under. How were they educated?

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