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Chapter 5 section 5 Greek colonies in __________attacked by Persian Empire approx. _______ B.C. Asia Minor 546 Athens came to help ________ fight. This.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 section 5 Greek colonies in __________attacked by Persian Empire approx. _______ B.C. Asia Minor 546 Athens came to help ________ fight. This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 section 5 Greek colonies in __________attacked by Persian Empire approx. _______ B.C. Asia Minor 546 Athens came to help ________ fight. This led to many wars between Greece and Persia called the ____________ Wars. colonies Persian

2 Persian leader, _________, crushed the Greeks in Asia Minor. He then want to attack and take the ______________ of Greece…Athens!!! Darius mainland Darius invaded, Athenians were outnumbered but _______________ defeated the Persians. Called the ________________. Athens Battle of Marathon Nike!

3 Darius’ son, ____________, led Persian army and navy against Greece. Greek __________ united as ________ to stop them. Xerxes city-states one Sparta was wiped out. Persians then headed to __________. Athens was evacuated the city. Persia destroyed it. ______________ and Spartans joined together and defeated Persia. Athens Athenians Battle of Thermopylae

4 Result of the Persian Wars:

5 City-states formed an ____________ called the ____________________. They ___________ to survive invasions. Athens was leader of group. Athens ruler was _____________. alliance Delian League united Pericles Pericles expanded Greek empire. This was Greek _______________, called the Age of ____________. Was a time of _________ and __________throughout Greece. pinnacle Pericles peace prosperity

6 Athens ruled all other ___________. Pericles decided to use League’s _________ for Athens only and forced others to join group/alliance. city-states money

7 Sparta ____________ so decided to fight with _____________. Wars between the two called.____________________. Fought for ________ years. got mad! Athens Peloponnesian Wars 27

8 Athens was defeated because Sparta got help from _____________! City-states remained ______________ for a long time after this. Persians divided

9 Chapter 6 Section 3…the end City states continued to fight each other, weakening Greece. To the north, Macedonia became strong.

10 Macedonia King, Philip, attacked Greek colonies near Greece & won control. Then Philip wanted control of all of Greece.

11 Thebes fell, Athens fell to his control. One by one Greek city states became Macedonian. Greece as they knew it was gone. Philip assassinated 2 years later & son Alexander took over for him. He became “Alexander the Great”.

12 Alexander had a goal in life…to take over the know world! By 331 BC Alex controlled Greece, Asia Minor, Middle East area, Egypt, Iraq, Iran all the way to Indus River in India.


14 As Alexander the Great conquered he spread Greek ideas/culture. Greeks = Hellens, Greek culture = Hellenic. Alex spread it far and wide but it mixed with other cultures… Asian cultures blended with Greek culture to create new culture = Hellenistic. Hellenistic culture thrived until the ROMANS!

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