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Presentation on theme: "ART HISTORY SYLLABUS OVERVIEW Mrs. Graham"— Presentation transcript:


2 About Me….. I am an Artist and have shows every few years. I love to travel. I love to cook and try new foods. I live on the family farm that I grew up on, and love the outdoors. Family and Friends are most important to me.

3 Marietta Bourne Hyson (Etta B)

4 Graham McGovern Hyson

5 How they have changed each summer …..

6 I am a Painter. Here is my work…






12 Recent Paintings…..

13 Course Description  Keep a comprehensive visual notes binder  Art History….ALL OF IT  We will study architecture, sculpture, painting, and other visual art forms in relation to history and cultures  Not studio based, however we will be making projects based on areas of art history  Field Trips!!!

14 Classroom Rules  Arrive on time and prepared to work  Respect classmates, teacher and art room supplies  Stay in your seat until you are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.  Keep an open mind and attitude towards assignments.  No cell phones or iPODS!  PERSONAL DEVICE PADS and CONTRACTS

15 Consequences  Warning given by teacher  Parent contact  Guidance or administrator contact with possibility of referral.  Referral to administrator  If at any time rules are not followed – I have the right to bypass these steps due to the severity of the matter.

16 Grading  GRADING SYSTEM:  Grades will be determined by: Prince William County Grading Scale  Projects* / Tests: 60%A 90 – 100C 70-76  Homework: 15%B+87-89D+67-69  Class work: 25%B80-86D60-66 C+77-79F59 and below

17 Grading  *Students who wish to upgrade a project may rework and return projects for re-evaluation. Students must rework their assignments on personal time, as no class time will be given to revisit old assignments.

18 LATE WORK / MISSING WORK  You are welcome to stay after school to make up missed work. (from excused absenses)  You will be given 2 WEEKS to make up assignments for a late grade.  Assignments will be marked down a letter grade per day that they are not handed in.  After two weeks, and you have not turned in the assignment - you will be given a zero for the assignment.  You cannot turn in work from a previous grading period.

19 Activity Busses  I can stay after to help students until 3:00, but only with advance notice.  Activity Busses run on Tuesday and Thursday starting in a few weeks.

20 School Fusion  Use this to keep up with homework, notes, and project expectations.  Rubrics, notes page requirements, and project expectations will also be posted here.

21 Extra Credit  Will be given throughout the grading period for those students who HAVE TURNED IN ALL ASSIGNMENTS.  It will not replace missing assignments!

22 Class Supplies  ART HISTORY REQUIRED ART SUPPLIES  These are due by September 8 th 2013   A three Ring Binder with the following accessories:  - pocket folders for handouts, etc.  - paper for note taking  - clear plastic sleeves for “Two Page” Spreads / Research pages  a few ultra-fine point black permanent markers (sharpie or micron  reccommended)  Pencils and erasers  USB Portable Memory device  set of colored pencils  zippered container to hold supplies (ziplock bag works fine)  a pack of glue sticks  at least 10 manilla folders  2-3 gallon sized Ziploc bags

23 Questions / Concerns  Don’t forget to sign and get your parents to sign your syllabus signature page and bring it in by Friday September 5 th !!  Supplies are due by Monday, September 8 th  Do you have any questions for Mrs. Graham?


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