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VISION In what ways will work be changed by digitalization? EntriesTotalBalance lost in information Important to learn better to filter what is really.

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Presentation on theme: "VISION In what ways will work be changed by digitalization? EntriesTotalBalance lost in information Important to learn better to filter what is really."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISION In what ways will work be changed by digitalization? EntriesTotalBalance lost in information Important to learn better to filter what is really important (10-0)10 skills very different skills are required (8-0)8 Flexibility No typical working times and places; more freedom and more need for skills to manage self responisibility; (6-0)6 changes in the way, time and places we work eg. does it matter where I am in the world, or whether I work from home or an office, or a car, plane or airport, or station? boundaries are being erased how will that affect on work-life balance? (6-0)6 Blurring the division between woprking and personal life Invasive, risk of over connectivity, needs capacity to decide when / where to look into work related matters (5-0)5 Leadership This morning we heard a lot about the importance of leadership to generate the operational energy of a group/company etc. How leadership would look like in a mixed group of robots and human employees? Is management sufficient? (5-0)5 new preventive goals Stress due to information overflow may become an important topic of prevention and OSH (5-0)5 Hierarchie Change is necesary we need digital natives in leadership positions to manage the digital evolution (4-0)4 human-to-human interaction machines are doing the job and people have time for communication (small talk?) (4-0)4 machines performing certain human jobs eg. in manufacturing processes, doing high risk actions or jobs also doing boring or repetitive jobs in the office (3-0)3 Flexible work time Requires knowledge of OSH positive and negative effects. Do we need more or less regulation? (3-0)3 Flexible work places Need for knowledge of the OSH effects Do we need more formal regulation? Self regulation? (3-0)3 Big Data Analysis Analysis of information so that we can do things more efficiently with our limited resources, more targeted. negative: any confidentiality issues? Are we able to collect the right data? (3-0)3 Change of skills/ vendor change whole areas of work are getting lost; totally new jobs and expertise and skills have to be developed for (young) people; changes for countries and regions will influence the OSH situation; poor countries will become more powerful, todays rich countries become poor, this will change the OSH ressources positively and negatively (3-0)3 Increase in freelancing jobs How to implement OSH with increasing numbers of freelancers? (3-0)3 machines in risky tasks machines can and will take over risky tasks - they already do so, but this trend will increase as people do care more (and know more) about health... (3-0)3 interpersonal relationships less face to face interactions, communication via computers or digital media (4-2)2 Be digitally literate or be left out Risk of social exclusion with related health / psychological distress consequences, coupled with reduced employability pattern (3-1)2 There will be less work done in offices. In the next 5 years more and more work, which was done in offices, can be done electronically. So there will be lesser persons in the office buildings and more people working from home or practically anywhere. This brings challanges to occupational health and safety. (2-0)2 More "Informal Economy"? Less interpersonal relationship? Will the concept of boss be reduced? More work from home and doing what they like? (2-0)2 Closer connection of work and private life No more separation; health as a holistic approach; do we distinguish between social and private insurance in the future? (2-0)2 Daily life organisation in robotic world How will people organise their daily life, find their challenges and structure their life if robots are doing the jobs? (2-0)2 workers can focus on intresting things Robots can do boring and unpopular tasks. (2-0)2 Big Brother is watching you what happens with my data collected by the system? who will control the system? Politicians? (3-2)1 OSH Training can be digitised Example using computer modules, virtual reality, maybe no more trainers required for basic OSH training? (2-1)1 Legislation on working hours National rule (e.g. 40 Hr/ week) are overruled. 24 Hr service by networked companies overall in the world. (1-0)1 EntriesPriority changes in the way, time and places we work eg. does it matter where I am in the world, or whether I work from home or an office, or a car, plane or airport, or station? boundaries are being erased how will that affect on work-life balance? 12 Avoid self-exploitation Change of skills/ vendor change whole areas of work are getting lost; totally new jobs and expertise and skills have to be developed for (young) people; changes for countries and regions will influence the OSH situation; poor countries will become more powerful, todays rich countries become poor, this will change the OSH ressources positively and negatively 11 why will poor countries become more powerful? Blurring the division between woprking and personal life Invasive, risk of over connectivity, needs capacity to decide when / where to look into work related matters 9 the challenge will be how our system of work and income will be adapted to this developement We should develop a vision how to deal with these aspects. interpersonal relationships less face to face interactions, communication via computers or digital media 9 collaboration still needs face to face @the rigth time agreed lost in information Important to learn better to filter what is really important 9 that This asks for more education focussed on filtering information in school. Deciding what is important for whom? Need for adapting information, clustering... Important so that more informed decisions can be made new risks will be generated ie interactions and touchs/contacts between machines and human, psychological overloads... 9 Big Brother is watching you what happens with my data collected by the system? who will control the system? Politicians? 8 we do not have the choice of digital change or not Better: MULTINATIONALS... GOOGLE. Data protection challenges data protection is a major breack in this evolution it is already happening and outdated Leadership This morning we heard a lot about the importance of leadership to generate the operational energy of a group/company etc. How leadership would look like in a mixed group of robots and human employees? Is management sufficient? 8 Is leadership needed any more? Could a robot be the manager? keep open mind and positive attitude to changes we should not start thinking from fear to new developement we overlived other industrial revolutions in the past we sholud more think about the opportunities 6

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