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Warm up Today, many young people can’t live without their smart phones (cell phones). In which ways you use your cell phone every day? (write five sentences)

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Today, many young people can’t live without their smart phones (cell phones). In which ways you use your cell phone every day? (write five sentences)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Today, many young people can’t live without their smart phones (cell phones). In which ways you use your cell phone every day? (write five sentences)

2 Students write about activities they like to do… ** They have to speak about those activities *Talk about ethnic restaurants you like… Relating a series of events ( D’abord First, Ensuite Next,Et puis Then, Finalement/Enfin Finally) P. 20 How do you get ready to come to school? What do you do first, next, then, and finally,..

3 D’abord, je vais visiter la tour Eiffel. (First) Ensuite, je vais manger des escargots dans un bon restaurant. (Next) Et puis, je vais voir la Joconde au Louvre(Then) Finalement/Enfin, je vais acheter des cadeaux pour la famille.(Finally

4 Note de grammaire: use the appropriate form of aller followed by an infinitive to say that you are going to do something: - Tu vas sortir ce soir? ( you are going out this evening? ) -Oui, je vais manger au restaurant. ( yes, I’m going to eat in a restaurant.)

5 Negative forms of verb aller To say that you are not going to do something, put ne…pas around the verb aller. Je ne vais pas I’m not going Tu ne vas pas you are not going il/elle/on ne va pas he/she is not going Nous n’allons pas we are not going Vous n’allez pas you are not going ils/elles ne vont pas They are not going Ex. Je ne vais pas sortir ce soir

6 P.27, Do # 10 and # 11 / Handouts! Changing Gear: In blank sheet of paper, wirte on the top: Me and my world- A. Describe yourself (in French); Use adjectives we have learned. Ex. Je m’appelle Sue; je suis brune,…. B. Write about your family and describe each member ( ex. My mère est belle, elle aime…; where do you live ( ex. Nous habitons à Raleigh…

7 Write about your friends-( J’ai trois ami (e)s, Marie et David; iIs sont très intéressants,…. Write about things you do together…échanger les textos, face book, aller au ciné…. Write about anything you love to do…. Then, exchanger you paper with your neighbor so you can read each other paper.

8 Make sure you write your name on your paper and do not loose you paper. ( It’s a draft, you will need next week) Talk about the Test tomorrow!!! Exit**

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