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“To go to” in English does not change ever!

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Presentation on theme: "“To go to” in English does not change ever!"— Presentation transcript:

1 “To go to” in English does not change ever!
Aller à “To go to” in English does not change ever! I go to school, you go to church, We go to the theatre, they go to London…

2 à in French has the particularity that it sometimes combines with the following word’s article. So…
Je vais à “la” maison (feminine) It does not change Tu vas à l’église (because la in front of a vowel becomes “l’”) Il va au théâtre (masculine) à+le becomes “au”

3 à also combines with the plural les
It then becomes “aux” Il va aux Etats-Unis (He goes to the United States.)

4 Aller is also used to form the near future
This is very good to know when you don’t know the true future yet, and want to express future ideas, concepts and actions. Just knowing the verb “aller” expands the range of what you can say considerably.

5 Let’s review the verb Aller
Je vais Tu vas Il/Elle va Nous allons Vous allez Ils/Elles vont

6 Aller when followed by a verb announces something to come
It works exactly the same as in English: I am going to learn French Je vais apprendre le français You can even use it twice in the same sentence: I am going to go to … Je vais aller à Paris Je vais aller au cinéma Je vais aller à la plage

7 Aller is also used in sentences like How are you? ÇA VA? ‘
(Comment) ça va? How are you? Ça va bien! Et toi? / Et vous? I am well and you?

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