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2.6 Luke. Where? Probably a Greek city where St. Paul had founded a church To whom? Gentiles (non-Jews). Addressed to “Theophilus” which means “lover.

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Presentation on theme: "2.6 Luke. Where? Probably a Greek city where St. Paul had founded a church To whom? Gentiles (non-Jews). Addressed to “Theophilus” which means “lover."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.6 Luke


3 Where? Probably a Greek city where St. Paul had founded a church To whom? Gentiles (non-Jews). Addressed to “Theophilus” which means “lover of God” Around 80s CE Gospel intended for wide distribution Two volumes (Luke-Acts) dedicated to a patron Theophilus Date and Place

4 Anonymous Gospel Paul’s traveling companion? – see Acts 16:10–17 Tradition says: “Luke the Physician” Well educated, impressive vocabulary Knowledge of classical literature, styles of writing, and Hebrew scriptures Hellenistic Jew? Gentile convert? Used written sources (Mark, Q, plus own sources L) Author

5 Luke (part 1) Prologue (1:1-4) Birth story and genealogy (1–2) Ministry in Galilee (3–9) Journey to Jerusalem (9:51–19:27) Teaching Ministry in Jerusalem (19:28-21:38) Passion (22 to 23) Resurrection appearances (24) Acts (part 2) Outline

6 Unique material includes five miracle stories and seventeen parables Discipleship given an immersion experience: “learning on the job” Changes to Mark – Smoothes rough language – Broadens appeal to “more culturally diverse audience” (text p. 153) – Softens Mark’s portrayal of Jesus’ disciples – Uses Greek similar to Septuagint’s language – Uses musical and poetic language of liturgy Style (1)

7 Does not stress failure of everyone to recognize Jesus, as in Mark; in fact, Jesus is worshipped even as an infant Jesus is less “Jewish” than in Matthew, but still, he is a Jewish prophet. Salvation is for everyone. Geneology begins with Adam, not Abraham. Jesus is a Jewish prophet is rejected by the Jews, so now, salvation is taken to Gentiles (Lk 7:16; and only in Luke, 13:33) Style (2)

8 Infancy Narratives (Matthew, Luke) – In Matthew, Jesus’ birth parallels that of Moses; in Luke, it parallels that of first prophet Samuel (compare Mary’s Song, Lk 1:46-55 to Song of Hanna, 1 Sam 2:1-10) Mark 6:1-6 and Luke 4:16-30: Jesus is rejected as a prophet at Nazareth – This episode is at start of Jesus’ ministry in Luke, but not in Mark – Jesus is like Elijah, Elisha – prophets who went to both Jews & Gentiles Healing of dead son of woman at Nain (Lk 7:11-17) and Elijah (1 Kg 17:7-24) As a prophet, Jesus knows his future and is in control; he is not fearful as he nears his death, as in Mark Comparisons

9 Zechariah, Elizabeth, John the Baptist Christmas story: Jesus born in a Manger Presentation in Temple Miraculous catch of fish Raising of widow’s son Good Samaritan parable Mary and Martha Prodigal Son parable Rich man and Lazarus parable Story of Zacchaeus Jesus weep over Jerusalem Resurrected Jesus on Road to Emmaus Jesus’ ascension Some Things That Are Unique to Luke

10 Women Ministry to the excluded and disadvantaged Samaritans Jerusalem, a focal point Worship and prayer Food Riches and poverty Work of the Holy Spirit Disciples of Jesus are examples for imitation Salvation – Available here and now – Liberation Muted eschatology (knows of Age of Spirit; compare Mk 9:1/Lk 9:27 or Mk 14:62/Lk 22:69) Repentance (good thief on cross, prodigal son parable) Resurrection (not resuscitation), Emmaus Ascencion (only in Lk) Key Themes

11 Beatitudes (Mt 5:3-11, Lk 6:20-26): The poor Role of women: see Lk 10:38-42 (only in Luke) about Martha, Mary Also: Lk 1:26-38; 1:46-56; 2:36-38; 4:25-26; 4:38; 7:11-17; 7:35-50; 8:1-3; 11:31; 13:10- 17; 13:20-21; 15:8-10; 17:35 Compassionate Jesus of Justice

12 Drives action of gospel, especially at beginning (Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Simeon, John the Baptist) Jesus’ baptism (Lk 3:22) Drives Jesus into wilderness, then back to Galilee “Spirit of the Lord is upon me” (Lk 4:18- 19) Jesus’ dying words “(“Father, into your hand I commend my spirit.” Lk 23:46) Prominence of Holy Spirit

13 Christology

14 1.If Luke was writing to show that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, why would he emphasize so strongly that Jesus was a Jewish prophet? 2. Why does Luke include so many stories about women? What might this tell us about the early Christian community for which Luke wrote his gospel? 3.What does Luke’s gospel emphasize about discipleship, and what does he expect of disciples, especially if they are wealthy?

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