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USSR or Soviet Union or Russia Communist USA Capitalist.

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Presentation on theme: "USSR or Soviet Union or Russia Communist USA Capitalist."— Presentation transcript:

1 USSR or Soviet Union or Russia Communist USA Capitalist

2 Cold War 1945-1961 1943-Teheran Conference 1945-End of WW2, nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Yalta, Potsdam 1945-8 Soviets set up satellite states in Eastern Europe 1946-Churchill’s iron curtain speech 1947-Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan (US policy of Containment) 1948-Berlin Airlift b began 1949-Stalin called off Berlin Blockade, division of Germany into East Germany and West Germany, formation of NATO, China went communist, USSR tested atomic bomb 1950-53 Korean War 1953-death of Stalin 1955-West Germany joined NATO 1955-Warsaw Pact formed 1956- Khrushchev’s secret speech, De- Stalinisation 1956-Protests in East Germany and Poland 1956-Hungarian Crisis 1958- Khrushchev’s Berlin Ultimatum 1959-Khrushchev’s visit to Camp David 1961- Vienna Summit 1961-Berlin Wall built

3 Cold War 1961-1991 1961-Bay of Pigs 1962-Cuban Missile Crisis 1963-Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963-Kennedy visited Berlin 1964-Khrushchev forced out of power 1967-Six Day War in Middle East drew Arabs closer to Soviet Union as USA supplied so much military hardware to Israel 1968-Prague Spring/Czech crisis 1964-1973-main time of the Vietnam War 1972-SALT 1 led to the ABM Treaty 1973-USA/USSR cooperation over ending the Yom Kippur War in the Middle East 1974- Nixon’s visit to Moscow 1975-Helsinki Agreements 1979- SALT 11 (not ratified) 1979-Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1980-Carter Doctrine 1980-Mocow Olympics boycott 1981-Reagan increased US defence budget (‘Evil Empire’) 1983- SDI (‘Star Wars’) announced 1984- LA Olympics boycott 1985- Gorbachev came to power-Glasnost, Perestroika, non-interference 1986- Reykjavik Summit 1987- INF Treaty 1988- Moscow Summit 1989-Fall of the Berlin Wall and communism in Eastern Europe 1990- Germany reunified 1991- Collapse of Soviet Union and end of the Warsaw Pact

4 USA/USSR leaders USA Franklin Roosevelt 1933-45 Harry Truman 1945-53 Dwight Eisenhower 1953-61 John Kennedy 1961-63 Lyndon Johnson1963-69 Richard Nixon 1969-1974 Gerald Ford 1974-77 Jimmy Carter 1977-1981 Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 George Bush Snr 1989-93 USSR Joseph Stalin died 1953 Georgy Malenkov 1953-55 Nikita Khrushchev 1955-64 Leonid Brezhnev 1964-82 Yuri Andropov 1982-84 Konstantin Chernenko 1984-85 Mikhail Gorbachev 1985-91

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