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Judicial Branch in a Flash!

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1 Judicial Branch in a Flash!

2 True or False? The Supreme Court is a trial court. False!
There is only one judge in a trial court. True! The supreme court can strike down an unconstitutional law.

3 True or False? When you first begin a trial, you will be in an appellate court. False! A jury decides the case in a bench trial. The Supreme Court must take every case that gets appealed to it.

4 True or False? If you break a state law your case will probably be in a state court system. True! The Supreme Court’s ability to declare something unconstitutional is called judicial review. It would be easy to prove a case without evidence. False!

5 True or False? If the Court of Appeals affirms a case, that means the trial court’s decision gets reversed. False! The Federal Court System was created by Congress. True! The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

6 True or False? State court systems were created by the Constitution of the United States. False! When you ask a higher court to review your case, you are making an appeal. True! When the court of appeals affirms a case, it sends the case back to the trial court. The Supreme Court gets the last word about what the Constitution really says.

7 The Judicial Branch When someone is accused of a crime, the type of case is: A) Criminal B) Civil

8 The Judicial Branch If you appeal a case, you are going to:
A) Trial Court B) Appellate Court

9 The Judicial Branch The Court that gets to decide what is constitutional: A) Supreme Court B) Trial Court

10 The Judicial Branch If a group of people gives the verdict after a trial that trial was a: A) Jury Trial B) Bench Trial

11 The Judicial Branch If the appellate court thinks a decision was wrong, it will: A) Affirm the decision B) Reverse the decision

12 The Judicial Branch A word that means “relating to the rights of citizens” A) Criminal B) Civil

13 The Judicial Branch The Supreme Court has: A) Seven Justices
B) Nine Justices

14 The Judicial Branch If you go to the Court of Appeals, you will see:
A) three judges B) one judge

15 The Judicial Branch The decision in a case is called: A) the evidence
B) the verdict

16 Judicial Branch Bingo

17 Judicial Branch Bingo

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