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Improving Data Entry of Viral Load October 2012. Welcome! The State Office of AIDS (OA) is continuing to work with providers to improve the quality of.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Data Entry of Viral Load October 2012. Welcome! The State Office of AIDS (OA) is continuing to work with providers to improve the quality of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Data Entry of Viral Load October 2012

2 Welcome! The State Office of AIDS (OA) is continuing to work with providers to improve the quality of data that is collected and entered into ARIES. Today’s webinar will focus on viral load (VL) data.

3 Today we’ll cover… The importance of VL in ARIES; Entering VL data; Tips for collecting VL data; Lab batch data entry; Running the Disease Management Report; Running the Fix-It: VL Report; and Questions and Answers.

4 The Importance of VL - HHS Guidelines The goal of ART is to decrease morbidity & mortality and slow viral transmission, With effective ART, plasma VL should drop The VL count is the single most important indicator of treatment response, and should consistently be below the limits of quantification (< 200 copies/ml 3 ) Reduced VL is associated with reduced risk of transmission Elevated VL can be used to help assess if a patient should be offered Partner Services

5 The Importance of VL - HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Clinical Performance Measures VL Monitoring Percent of HIV/AIDS patients with a VL test every 6 months during the measurement year. VL Suppression Percent of HIV/AIDS patients on ART with a VL < limits of quantification, measured at the last test during the measurement year. (Note: these performance measures are not currently in ARIES; they will be implemented in a future release of ARIES.)

6 The Importance of VL – Providers and OA Required for the state HIV Care Program (HCP) Required for the HRSA Ryan White Services Report (RSR) Required for the state Medi-Cal Waiver Program (MCWP),

7 Entering VL data Who needs to enter VL data? Review the steps for entering VL data for an existing client Provide tips for collecting accurate information

8 Who needs to enter VL data? If your agency is… Then you are required to enter VL data into ARIES for…  Funded by the HIV Care Program (Part B) for "Outpatient/Ambulatory Medical Care" (OAMC)…  Those clients who received any HCP-funded OAMC service regardless of who delivered the OAMC service.  A Medi-Cal Waiver Program (MCWP) providers…  All MCWP clients.

9 Other considerations… These are only the minimum requirements for these programs. You are encouraged (but not required) to enter VL data for any of your other clients. Report the value and test date for all VL tests administered to the client during the reporting period. HRSA states that "client self-report has been determined to be fairly unreliable." Whenever possible, use lab results or documentation rather than relying on the client self-reporting the information. Who needs to enter VL data? (cont.)

10 Steps for entering VL data for an existing client Begin with a client search

11 Once found, navigate to the Medical History subtab PLEASE NOTE: The following slides contain fictitious client data from the ARIES demonstration site.

12 The Medical History Read-Only screen will display VL fields

13 VL Fields on the Medical History Read-Only Screen Most recent Viral LoadThe most recent viral load test (VLT) results including the date of testing and the log value. Highest Viral LoadThe highest viral load test (VLT) result including the date of testing and the log value.

14 Click Edit from the Medical History Read- Only screen.

15 The VL fields will be displayed at the top-right of the screen under Tests.

16 To enter a new VL Count, click New under the appropriate field.

17 When you click on New for VL, the VL Date,, T-Cell Count, and T-Cell Percentage fields will be displayed.

18 VL: Field Definitions Viral Load Date Enter the date the Viral Load Test (VLT) was administered. Format MM/DD/YYYY. You can also use the calendar pop- up by clicking the calendar icon. For each field, use the dropdown lists to select the month and year, and then click the specific date to enter it into the date text field. The calendar window automatically closes. If the VLT is less than the value entered, select "<". If the VLT is greater than the value entered, select ">". Otherwise, select "=". ValueEnter the client's VLT result. The number must be between 1 and 9,999,999. Do not type commas; ARIES will supply them. If the value is inexact or if it exceeds the range accepted, use the Relation dropdown list (see above). Test TypeUse the dropdown to select the appropriate viral load Test Type, if known. LogWhen you click the Save button, ARIES calculates the log value and enters it in this column.

19 Enter the appropriate VL data and click Save when done.

20 The record we just entered appears on the screen.

21 To edit existing VL data, click Edit next to the appropriate record...

22 …and you’ll be able to edit the data on that particular record. Click Save when done.

23 Tips for Collecting VL data Providers should use lab results or documentation whenever possible rather than relying on the client self-reporting the information. Only use the “ ” (“greater than”) symbol. If possible, have staff double check the entries.

24 If the client is a share client, you will be able to see VL data that other agencies have entered. Remember: if you are a Ryan White medical provider, VL data are required for the RSR for those clients that received an Outpatient Ambulatory Medical Care service during the reporting year. Tips for Collecting VL data (cont.)

25 Lab Batch Data Entry The Lab Batch Data Entry tab in ARIES allows you to enter multiple test results in a single location. This feature can save significant data entry time, rather than retrieving individual clients' records, tabbing to their medical screen, and entering data client-by-client.

26 Lab Batch Data Entry is located in the Agency screen. Click Shortcuts and then click My Profile

27 On your My Profile screen, click on the link to your agency to access the Agency Info screen.

28 On your agency’s Agency Info screen, click on the Lab Batch Data Entry tab.

29 To enter VL Tests, click the Viral Load Tests link.

30 On the Batch Entry of Viral Load Tests screen, you can enter multiple VLs for different clients. Click Save when done.

31 Two additional fields displayed for VL in Lab Batch Data Entry VL FieldsDefinitions Identifier Drop-DownSelect the identifier to be associated with the data entered: Agency Client ID, Agency Program ID, or Extended URN. ValidationIf your entry includes errors, they will be displayed in red in the Validation column once you click the Save button. If you have made an error, you can correct them in the appropriate field and click Save again. Examples: 1.No client found with provided AgencyClientID; or 2.Multiple clients found with AgencyClientID provided

32 Disease Management Report The Disease Management Report allows providers to compare clients’ VL (and CD4) test results over two time periods. This can give a broad view of your clients’ progress at your agency. You can report on VL testing by entering initial and final testing dates. The report will include all clients who received testing within those two time spans. For example, you can compare the VLs of clients from two different years.

33 To locate the Disease Management report, go to Reports and select the Client menu.

34 To display the report, click the Disease Management link.

35 Next, the Report Filter Screen is displayed. This will help you narrow the scope of your report.

36 Disease Management Report Filters Use the date filters to specify a time span. From the drop-down list, select Between. Enter the dates you wish to filter by in the text fields using the format MM/DD/YYYY. E.g., for January 1, 2007, enter 1/1/2007. You can also click the calendar icon to use the pop-up calendar. Enter the beginning date in the first text field and the ending date in the second text field. Your report results will include all clients who received testing from 12:00 AM on the first date to 11:59 PM on the second date. For example, entering 1/1/2007 in the first text field and 10/1/2012 in the second text field and clicking Search will display all clients who received testing from January 1, 2007 through October 1, 2012.

37 Disease Management Report Filters (cont.) Most likely, you will enter the same time spans for both Viral Load and CD4 testing. When you have finished entering your filter parameters, click the Report button to display your report. Tip: If you know you have entered the correct parameters and would like to export the data from this point without displaying your report, click the Export button.

38 Sample Disease Management Report

39 Running the Fix-It: Viral Load Report Some of your records need attention. We have designed a report that will help you find records in your agency that need VL data corrected and/or updated.

40 To locate the Fix-It: Viral Load report, go to Reports and select the Client menu.

41 The Fix-It: Viral Load report is located toward the bottom of the Client Report page.

42 Enter the date(s) to filter and the Display value. Make sure that the end date is the date you’re actually running the report (or close to it).

43 Sample Fix-It Viral Load report

44 Fix-It: Viral Load report Error Messages and Definitions Error MessageDefinition No Viral Load Test No Viral Load Tests have ever been entered for the client No Viral Load Test in Last Year Most recent Viral Load Test Date is more than 365 days from run date of report QM WARNING - Only 1 Viral Load Test in Last Year Only one Viral Load Test was found in the 365 days prior to the run date of the report QM WARNING - Viral Load Tests less than 180 Days Apart Multiple Viral Load Tests exist in the 365 days prior to the run date of the report, but the oldest and newest were less than 180 days apart

45 Next Steps Please look up the clients with error messages using their ARIES ID. Resolve the error by looking in client’s charts and/or assessments for the missing or inaccurate information. Update ARIES accordingly. Re-run Fix-it report to check corrections.

46 Questions & Answers Do you have any questions? Additional Resources: This presentation, as well as the CD4 FTA presentation, is posted in the Training section of The ARIES User Manual can be accessed by pressing the F1 button while in ARIES. The ARIES Help Desk can be reached at 866-411-ARIES (2743).

47 Thank you! Thank for participating! We hope that this has been a productive use of your time. Together we can improve ARIES data quality!

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