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Developing Guidance Skills Chapter 14. Warning O 1. When children fail to follow a classroom rule, you must remind them that they are misbehaving and.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Guidance Skills Chapter 14. Warning O 1. When children fail to follow a classroom rule, you must remind them that they are misbehaving and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Guidance Skills Chapter 14

2 Warning O 1. When children fail to follow a classroom rule, you must remind them that they are misbehaving and their behavior will have a consequence. O 2. Warn only once – use a firm tone of voice. O 3. If the child chooses to continue the misbehavior, proceed with a consequence such as a time-out.

3 Redirecting O 1. Redirecting means to diverts a child’s attention in a different direction. O 2. Use distraction to redirect a child. O 3. The key to redirecting is to offer an appealing substitute (something you know the child likes).

4 Prompting / Suggesting O 1. Children often need prompting to stop an unacceptable behavior or to start an acceptable behavior. O 2. Prompting can also prepare children for transitions. O 3. Suggesting means placing thoughts for consideration in a child’s mind such as making suggestions during Free Play. O 4. Prompting is different from suggesting because prompting requires a response from the child (either verbal or physical).

5 Encouraging O 1. Encouraging helps children to believe in themselves. O 2. This technique recognizes both accomplishments and small improvements.

6 Ignoring O 1. Do not encourage inappropriate behavior. O 2. Avoid giving a child attention if inappropriate behavior is not dangerous, harmful or distracting from the group. O 3. Once the child models acceptable behavior, praise him or her.

7 Modeling O 1. Children learn by observing others. O 2. Modeling includes physical and verbal actions. O 3. Between 70%-90% of what we communicate we do without words through subtle, nonverbal gestures.

8 Two Types of Consequences Natural Consequence Artificial/Logical Consequence O Definition: When a child makes a choice to continue an inappropriate behavior, something natural will occur as a result. O Examples: Child refuses to eat breakfast=child is hungry. Child refuses to wear coat=child is cold and misses recess. O Methods: Use empathy when child receives natural consequence. Allow consequence to happen if it is not harmful to the child. O Definition: A consequence set up by the caregiver after one warning is given for misbehavior – must be age-appropriate. O Examples: Time-out, grounding, extra chores, or loss of privileges. O Methods: Avoid getting angry or sarcastic. Be consistent by enforcing consequence with every misbehavior or inappropriate choice.

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