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UAA Life UAA Life Website  UAA Life (formally known as Collegiate Link) is a website where students can sign up and find information.

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Presentation on theme: "UAA Life UAA Life Website  UAA Life (formally known as Collegiate Link) is a website where students can sign up and find information."— Presentation transcript:

1 UAA Life

2 UAA Life Website  UAA Life (formally known as Collegiate Link) is a website where students can sign up and find information about different clubs and organizations around campus, keep track of their activity, service hours, and to network with other club members  For clubs and organizations, it is a resource to keep track of member activity, post and share news, events, updates, and to have documents, forms, and elections all online.

3 Getting Started  Log into UAA Life with your Blackboard information (upper right-hand corner)  Go to your organization’s page (Make sure you are listed as an officer, if not, get your president to appoint you to the position)

4 Features: Wall Activity You can link your club’s Facebook or Twitter accounts to UAA Life! The organization’s UAA Life wall activity will appear below

5 News  Create articles to let members know of activities outside of club meetings  Reminders  Scholarship information  Events outside of UAA campus  Potential area to publish minutes  Announcements  Just go to create article -> fill in the information needed on the sheet -> upload an image -> choose privacy settings -> save article -> done!

6 Profile  Interested students can come here to see when your organization meets Put the organization’s mission statement and/or list the activities your organization does here Edit your profile here. This is where you would link your Facebook/Twitter activity to your wall as well

7 Events  Publish events your organization is having  Shows up on member’s front page  Can use the event calendar  Distinguishes what is held on and off campus, what are private or public events  Past events are on the next tab  Now, all events must be posted and requested through UAA Life. They will be approved online.

8 Roster  Probably most used page  List of members and officers  Have dates of when individuals signed up to the organization  Manage members, officer positions  Email all members easily  Send member invitations if people haven’t signed up on their own

9 Click here to send membership invitations (only to their University email address) Invitations appear here Deny or approve membership requests here Click here to send a message to all members, or only select individuals/groups Click here to promote or demote for any position

10 Roster  Send out text message notifications  Click here, then follow the directions:  It will only work with those who have allowed text messaging notifications in their account settings

11 Photo Gallery  Create photo albums for any events your organization holds  Publish photos to show activity, create the album then add photos!

12  Constitution/bylaws, meeting minutes and agendas  Add any applications or paperwork that the organization needs to fill out regularly here  Just upload it and you’re done (change the privacy settings if need be)

13 Service Hours  Log in and keep track of volunteer hours  As an officer, you can also put in an member’s service hours for them if they served time into your club  Input last name then first

14 Elections  Hold elections online  Members who cannot be at a meeting to vote can vote online  Can be exclusive to those registered as a member of the club online  Create election, follow each tab  Provides a link to the election to copy/paste onto emails, other websites

15 Fill out every tab before you click “Save” The “Results” are how you want to view the total number of votes or voters “Publishing Options” provides you a link to the election, so that you may link it through your organization’s mailing list

16  Decide how you want people to vote (check box, radio button, or ranking system)  Changing the Page Properties changes the title of the page only (instead of Page 1)  When you’re done, click Ballots to go back  If you want to add another page, click on Page List and Add Page

17 After you are done with your question, it will bring you back to the top image. Once you are done creating all of your ballots, then you will click “Back to Elections”. You then must click “Publish” so members can view and vote in the election.

18 Forms Create forms for individuals to fill out -Event requests -Applications (scholarships, positions, etc) In order to create a form, you must go to here

19 Forms  Creating a form will be similar to creating an election, except you will have a “Text Field” option for members to fill in other information (ex: name, email, etc)  Once you are done, you must publish the form in order for members to see it  Click on “Submissions” to see all pending, approved, and denied submissions (must filter by status)

20 Manage  Rank interests relevant to your club  This also helps when people are browsing clubs, to what you categorize your club in.  Customize the font, text and background colors  Upload banner images here  If one more than one image is uploaded, banner will be random  Make sure image has the right requirements listed

21 Co-Curricular Transcript  Record of experiences outside of the classroom  Clubs/Organizations  Internships  On-Campus Jobs  Honors/Awards Received  Trainings/Workshops Attended and Completed  Can be turned in with resume and academic transcript  You can choose what will show up on this document  Primarily self-reported

22 How to Access the Co- Curricular Transcript Remember to log in Information you will see will be any clubs/organizations you are currently active with as listed on UAA Life

23 You can add any other activities you were involved in, even if you did not report it to UAA Life before, you can also hide some of your involvement, or sort out what you would like to appear first

24 How to Add other Experiences

25 Overall…  Email all club members at once  Easier to pass administration rights to  Great way to advertise for events  Try to keep your UAA Life page updated  Keep members active *The University does not own any of the characters shown throughout this presentation, they belong to Nintendo.


27 One and Two Star  One Star:  Automatically one star if they have an active UAA Life page  Must be registered on time  Presented and accepted by Club Council at one of their meetings (Applies to new clubs)  Benefits: Recognized as a student organization by the Student Clubs and Greek Life Office  Two Star:  Criteria for One Star completed  Keep profile information accurate (include mission statement)  Primary contact is accurate  Uploading a custom banner on your UAA Life webpage, along with a unique profile picture  Majority of officers attend the Student Officer Orientation  Benefits: Including the One Star criteria, may post advertised events on the UAA Life front page

28 Three Star  All criteria for One and Two Star completed  Holding one event on campus every semester (must be submitted to UAA Life, and can be substituted for one event for the entire school year if the expected attendance exceeds over 40 people, or for volunteering)  Faculty advisor must attend at least one organization meeting  Posting meeting minutes or a review of the meeting on UAA Life for at least four meetings  Participate in at least one campus wide, student open events (Campus Kick- off, Student Involvement Fair, Halloween Fun Night, Campus Cleanup etc).  Benefits: Can choose booth placement on a first come, first serve basis for these specific clubs, special advertising space

29 Four Star  All criteria for One, Two, and Three Star completed  Attend 85% of Club Council Meetings (7 out of 8 meetings)*  Have at least two representatives from the club volunteer at an event held by UAA departments (Dances, Talent Show, Performers, Fairs, Charity or Organization approved by the office)  Club members recording their involvement hours on UAA Life  Creating a Photo Album for every event they have held on campus (or one album for each semester/academic year cumulative of all activity)  Benefits: Eligibility for the Student Club of the Year Award, special advertisements, recognition in emailed news and a recognition certificate listing all years they have been a Four Star organization (if this is the highest rank they achieve). *Clubs may be excused from this if they fill out an Attendance Waiver form if there is a compelling reason preventing all members from a club from attending.

30 Five Star  All criteria for One, Two, Three, and Four Stars completed  Collaborate with another club to hold an event or create a program on or off campus (can be substituted if the club is volunteering their time to help another club with their event, but there must be a minimum of five club members)  Have at least ten hours of community service per semester recorded before the deadline  Submit a reflection about time spent in the club every semester (includes all officers and at the minimum two club members).  Benefits: Eligibility for the Student Club of the Year Award, recognized as a “Five Star Student Club” on UAA’s website, a recognition certificate with years they have been a Five Star club/organization, give them 75 buttons or 50 key chains or magnets with their club’s name and logo on them*.

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