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What are the leadership qualities you believe you already posses? How do you plan on further developing these abilities?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the leadership qualities you believe you already posses? How do you plan on further developing these abilities?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the leadership qualities you believe you already posses? How do you plan on further developing these abilities?

2 What are some leadership qualities you may be lacking?

3 It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. Claude M. Bristol

4 As long as you know what it is you desire, then by simply affirming that it is yours – firmly and positively, with no ifs, buts or maybes – over and over again, from the minute you arise in the morning until the time you go to sleep at night, and as many times during the day as your work or activities permit, you will be drawn to those people, places, and events that will bring your desires to you. Scott Reed

5 What does your attitude have to do with being a leader? Quote for the Day Leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.

6 What does putting people down have to do with being a leader? Quote for the Day If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right! Henry Ford

7 How do you feel about speaking in front of a group?

8 Why is adhering to the Social Contract important in our Teen Leadership Class?

9 How did participating in the Trust Walk make you feel?

10 How is the ability to develop good relationships critical to good leadership? Quote for the Day You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth.

11 Describe a time when you feel you made a bad first impression. Were you able to correct it later?

12 Think about someone with whom you would like to develop a relationship. Why would you like to have this relationship? OR Think about someone with whom you have a special relationship. Why is it special? What does it mean to you?

13 Why is note-writing important to building relationships? Quote for the Day You seldom hit anything unless you aim at it.

14 How do you feel that the things you’re learning in Teen Leadership will help you in your life?

15 Think of someone you know who has set goals for his/her life. How do you know that this person has goals? What effect do goals appear to have on this person’s life?

16 What are some obstacles you have that could hinder you from attaining your goals in this class?

17 Describe the Hamburger Bun method of develop a speech.

18 What does “personal mastery” mean to you? Quote for the Day It is not enough to make progress; we must make it in the right direction.

19 Why is it important to affirm others? Quote for the Day We were made to stand on our own two feet, but we were also made with two arms free to lend a hand.

20 Describe a time when you said or did something that may have affected someone’s self-concept. (This could be positive or negative experience.) Quote for the Day Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.

21 Write down how you have compared yourself to others at times.

22 What does a positive self- concept have to do with being a leader? Quote for the Day Our sense of self-worth must be based on who we are, not what we do.

23 Describe what you would be like if you had a very good self-concept and had the self- confidence to do what you wanted to do. What are you going to do to improve your self-concept?

24 Describe a person with self- confidence. Why would this person make a good leader? Quote for the Day A positive perspective is much easier to work with than a negative one.

25 Think of a recent event that you need to reframe in a positive way. Describe it and how you can reframe it.

26 Why do you think it is important to be able to reframe negative things that happen to you? Quote for the Day Of all the things you wear, the expression on your face is the most important.

27 Why is it so difficult to undo a first impression?

28 We could learn a lot from crayons Some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors…but they all exist very nicely in the same box.

29 Which of the eight cues do you need to improve on? Describe how you plan to do this.

30 Tell why a leader must focus on the internal things, such as warmth, kindness, authority, knowledge, positive and genuineness.

31 Describe how you, as a leader, might be able to convey, warmth, kindness, and genuineness.

32 Name a well known leader. What leadership qualities do you think he/she possesses?

33 How can you present yourself to others in a way that demonstrates self- confidence? Quote for the Day It’s nice to be important, but it is important to be nice.

34 Why is body language and tone of voice so important to leaders? Quote for the Day The business of a leader is to turn weakness into strength, obstacles into stepping stones, and disaster into triumph.

35 Why is it important for leaders to evaluate their speaking abilities? And/or How would you rate yours so far? In what areas do you want to improve?

36 Tell about another student’s “Memorable Experience” speech that made an impact on you, and describe how it affected you. Quote for the Day A good leader inspires other to have confidence in him; a great leader inspires them to have confidence in themselves.

37 Choose the skill you think is the most important and write about why you think that one is important.

38 Choose the I POSSESS skill you are strongest in and write why you think it is important.

39 Choose the skill you are weakest in and write your ideas for improving that skill.

40 Why is Emotional Intelligence more important to success than IQ? Quote for the Day The difficult can be done immediately. The impossible just takes a little longer.

41 Think of a time when you needed to be positive. What difference did being positive make during that time?

42 Why is persistence an important quality for a leader?

43 How can you relate yesterdays discussion to leadership and topics we have discussed in class? What did you learn about yourself from the past two days?

44 Why is optimism an important quality for a leader? Quote for the Day The difficult can be done immediately. The impossible just takes a little longer.

45 Think of some people who are not positive. What effect has it had on their lives? Think of what a difference being optimistic would make if you were employed in a job. What would the difference be in that situation? If you were an athlete… the difference? If you were a teacher… the difference?

46 What is one instance over the weekend when you were a teen leader? What was it that made the difference in your normal actions versus the actions of a teen leader?

47 Who is your role model? What qualities does that individual have that shows they are self-aware?

48 What are some of the things in your life that you need to be “self-aware” of? Quote for the Day If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.

49 What could result in your life from not being “self-aware?”

50 Write a one paragraph summary of your thoughts about this week’s lessons.

51 Why is self-awareness an important quality for a leader? Quote for the Day If you can’t control yourself, someone else will.

52 Head of the Line  How do you view what you’re doing in life? Are you heading in the direction you want?  What comments in the activity really made you think?  Who do you feel you got to know better through their comments?

53 Why is self-control an important quality for a leader? Quote for the Day To lead is to learn, to learn is to lead.

54 Why is empathy an important quality for a leader? Quote for the Day Everyone is going somewhere. Where you go is up to you.

55 Why are social skills important for a leader?

56 Did you change your answer after yesterday’s conversation in class? Why or why not?

57 Explain what interpersonal skills are and tell why they are important for a leader. Quote for the Day Those who can motivate themselves go to the top. Those who can’t sit on the bottom.

58 Where do you think the emotionally healthiest people would be on the eight continuums? Where do you think you are?

59 How could being more self- motivated bring you more freedom in your life? Quote for the Day The best recipe for making friends is to be one yourself.

60 What do you think you did well in your speech? What do you think you could have improved upon?

61 What qualities do you think are important to have in a friend? Quote for the Day To be persuasive, we must be believable. To be believable, we must be credible. To be credible, we must be truthful. Edward Mora

62 What kind of impression do you want to make?

63 Describe how tone of voice and facial expressions are important in effective communication.

64 What group would you like to be able to speak for?

65 What did you learn about yourself from experiencing the Mix It Up project? What skills did you portray that were good? What skills do you still need to work on?

66 Why is it important to speak from your own experience? Quote for the Day “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” Henry Ford

67 What does our image have to do with our ability to lead? “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Abraham Lincoln

68 Describe an “impression management” action that you are aware of in yourself. Quote for the Day One secret of success is to be able to put your best foot forward without stepping on anybody’s toes.

69 Skits Demonstrate a situation where you would be really concerned about the way other people saw you, and you would try to control or manage the impressions they had of you. The rest of the class needs to understand what impression you are trying to give by the way you conduct yourself in the group. Each individual must write on a piece of paper what impression they think the role players were trying to make. Turn in the piece of paper at the end of the skits.

70 What does the way others see us have to do with our effectiveness as a leader?

71 What are the most important things about leadership?

72 Why do you want to be a leader? If not, Why would somebody want to be a leader? Why would someone want to lead?

73 Why is serving others the best motivation for leadership? Quote for the Day Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it.

74 Write about an incident where you had to make a tough choice that said something about what you valued. It can be a situation where you succeeded or where you blew it.

75 Since your grandparents were kids, have America’s values changed, and if so, in what ways? How do you feel about those changes?

76 Write positive comments you appreciated about the speeches given the previous two days and those that gave speeches.

77 Describe 3 incidences when you utilized/demonstrated a Teen Leadership concept over the holidays. Upon completion of your journal entry, share your writings with your small group and then prepare to select one per person to share with the class.

78 Leadership To lead is to learn, To learn is to lead. What will you learn so that you may lead?

79 Characteristic of a Successful Team Members recognize conflict is a normal aspect of human interaction, but they view such situations as an opportunity for new ideas and creativity. They work to resolve conflict quickly and constructively.

80 What do our words and actions tell us about our values? What affect do they have on us as leaders?

81 How do you decide what is right or wrong in your life? Try to identify specific criteria you would use in determining whether something is right or wrong… whether something is okay or not okay for you to do.

82 What can you do to begin to close the gap between your values and the way you live your life?

83 How does “moral relativism” affect our values? Quote for the Day Be what you want changed in the world.

84 Reflect on your values. Do you live according to your values? What actions do you take that reflect your values? Or Is there anything you should do that you are not doing according to your values?

85 Reflect on the values you listed as important to you before the holidays. Did you live according to your values? What actions did you take that reflected your values?

86 What do you think our school would be like if everyone lived by the Universal Principles. Quote for the Day When you sell your principles for popularity, you are soon bankrupt.

87 What is success? What keeps people from being successful?

88 What principles are most important to you? What happens if you violate them? Quote for the Day Keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you see the world.

89 An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied. --Arnold Glasgow What does this mean to you in Teen Leadership?

90 How would you define peer pressure?

91 What do you think about the idea that most of the pressure teenagers experience comes from adults? What kinds of negative and positive pressure do you think that would be?

92 Three Types of Pressure Overt – a very direct, straightforward type of pressure. Covert – pressure given in a subtle, joking sort of way. Situational – pressure coming from being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

93 Why is it so important for a leader to screen the information received from other people? Quote for the Day A diamond is a chunk of coal that stood up under pressure.

94 Describe a time when you needed to be able to handle an inappropriate comment. How would you handle it differently now? Quote for the Day If you put a small value on yourself, the world will not raise your price.

95 Why is it important for a leader to be able to handle inappropriate comments? Quote for the Day To go against the thinking of misguided friends takes an act of highest courage.

96 After the last few sessions, do you feel prepared to defend yourself against inappropriate behavior? What areas do you still need to practice on? How are you going to prepare for these?

97 Why is it important for a leader to know defending and rescuing skills? Quote for the Day A good friend is like a tube of toothpaste – comes through in a tight squeeze.

98 What is something you would really like to see changed? How could you possibly begin to make that change?

99 Why is it important for a leader to think creatively when dealing with different situations and people? Quote for the day The mind stretched by a new idea never returns to its original dimensions.

100 Six Ways to Bury a Good Idea  It will never work.  We can’t afford it.  We’ve never done it that way before.  We’re not ready for it.  It’s not our responsibility.  We’re doing fine without it.

101 Why is working together sometimes more effective than working alone?

102 Why is it important for a leader to be able to see situations from more than one perspective? Quote for the Day Every accomplishment, great or small, starts with the right decision, “I’ll Try.”

103 What could you do today that could impact our world in a positive way? Quote for the Day The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller

104 How does thinking laterally help a leader? Quote for the Day Most people are like tea bags. Their true flavor comes out when they get in hot water.

105 If you had to write yourself an affirming letter, what would you say?

106 Why is it important for a leader to be emotionally healthy? Quote for the Day People don’t accidentally stumble into failure. They think their way into it.

107 Leaders are Responsible for Their Thoughts  Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.  --Sren Kierkegaard  Don’t believe everything you think.  --Maxine

108 Why is it so important for leaders to be in control of their thoughts? Quote for the Day Your attitude determines whether a fireplace is a center of warmth and beauty or a source of smoke and ashes.

109 Choose one of the following that you feel you have a negative attitude toward, and consider just how you would describe that attitude: School, tests or studying spending time with parents/family exercising dieting not having enough money not having friends your classmates a certain person people’s expectations of you

110 Who is responsible for that attitude? What are the thoughts that you have behind this attitude? What other thoughts can you have about it?

111 Describe a bad attitude you have. What are you going to do to change it? Quote for the Day Don’t forget that people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold – but so does a hard- boiled egg.

112 Why is having the courage to accept responsibility so important to a leader?

113 Describe a situation where you blamed someone else for your actions. How can you react differently next time? Quote for the Day We make our future by the best use of the present.

114 Why is it so important for leaders to consider the choices they make? Quote for the Day None of us is responsible for all the things that happen to us, but we are responsible for the way we act when they do happen.

115 Why is letter-writing a good habit for a leader? Quote for the Day Listening is one of the best ways to show respect.

116 Why is it important for a leader to have meaningful relationships?

117 What are the eight cues?

118 Why is it so important for a leader really to listen to others? Quote for the Day Forgiveness warms the heart and cools the sting.

119 How can the need to always be right affect your relationships? List some ways and talk about them. What is the most important thing in a relationship?

120 Quote for the Day People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel (good or bad). Every day our leadership abilities are tested. We can only hope that we will make the best decisions for our future when those times arrive.

121 Something I’m Going to Change Because of Teen Leadership

122 Describe a situation when you needed to ask for forgiveness of another person.

123 Why is it important for leaders to create a safe environment for others? Quote for the Day When you have vision you see the invisible, feel the intangible, and achieve the impossible.

124 How do leaders make their dreams become reality? How do you suppose they do this?

125 In order for your visions to become reality, they must be…  leader-driven or inspired  shared by the team and supported by the team  comprehensive and detailed  positive and inspiring

126 “Your vision determines your destination?”

127 Where are you headed in your life? What is your vision for your life, your family, your community, your state, your country, and your world? Have you ever thought much about these things?

128 Why do leaders need to have a vision? Quote for the Day All progress is due to those who were not satisfied to let well enough alone.

129 Why is it important for a leader to take a proactive view toward life?

130 What would YOUR school be like?

131 Five Steps Necessary to Develop a Vision Identify our values and principles. Conduct a critical reality check. Re-think reality. Devise a plan. Get after it.

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