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Kevin Spohrer, Michelle Chambers January 8, 2014 Period: 7th.

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin Spohrer, Michelle Chambers January 8, 2014 Period: 7th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin Spohrer, Michelle Chambers January 8, 2014 Period: 7th

2 Location: In the brain Attached to the hypothalamus by the infundibulum

3 Hormones: Antidiuretic (ADH) Oxytocin

4 Affect of Hormones: Antidiuretic: Controls the intake of water into the blood, especially in the kidneys to conserve body water by reducing the loss of water through urine Oxytocin: acts on the smooth muscle Stimulates contractions during childbirth Stimulates the release of milk in the mammary glands Aids in sperm release

5 Maintaining Homeostasis: ADH keeps the blood pressure at a consistent rate which keeps your heart rate within normal condition which in turn supplies blood to the brain keeping all autonomic nervous systems functional

6 Feedback Mechanisms & Antagonist Hormones: The hypothalamus senses changes in the body through the peripheral nervous system. Send a signal the pituitary making it release it’s hormones ADH or oxytocin Neither of the hormones have a specific antagonist hormone

7 Releasing Hormones & Glands The hypothalamus makes and releases inhibiting hormones for the posterior pituitary gland

8 If the Pituitary Gland doesn’t function properly: Hyposecretion of ADH can lead to diabetes insipidus which is a condition that causes the patient to produce abnormally large amounts of urine Recent studies have revealed that ADH may affect with learning and memory; scientist are looking into the possibilities of administering ADH to reverse memory loss associated with senility

9 Correcting the Gland: ADH can be injected under the skin or directly into the muscle through a man made hormone known as vasopressin

10 Works Cited: es/P/Pituitary.html es/P/Pituitary.html ull ull Our Anatomy and Physiology Book

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