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Interpersonal Communication Techniques Billy Edwards.

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1 Interpersonal Communication Techniques Billy Edwards

2 Modulating Voice Modulating your voice when you change the tone or volume of your when speaking to suit the person, atmosphere or situation you are speaking in/to. An example of modulating your voice when start doing a loud whisper to mysterious and dramatic.

3 Articulating and expressing ideas clearly and concisely. Articulating and expressing ideas clearly and concisely is when you explain your ideas clearly making sure you are not misunderstood by the audience. You also need to explain ideas in few words making sure no one loses attention.

4 Listening actively. Active listening is where you involve yourself with the discussion and the speaker. You can involve yourself by asking questions and by summarising what the speaker has said into notes. Body language also helps with active listening, if you sit up straight with your head up and make eye contact.

5 Clarifying and confirming understanding. You can clarify and confirm understanding by paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is the restructure of what someone has said or a piece of text using different words, paraphrasing can also be used to explain speech or text in less or more detail.

6 Responding to questions with accurate information When your audience asks a question more often then not it’s because they may not understand something properly so you need to respond to these questions as efficiently as possible. You also need to respond with the correct answer so they understand you and the topic.

7 Ensuring content is appropriate. You need to make sure content is appropriate to your audience. You can do by making sure that they understand the topic in hand and it is not too ‘advanced’ for them. The content also needs to match the audiences needs.

8 Identifying and avoiding listening barriers. You need to identify and avoid surrounding listening barriers to before they become to much of a hassle or affects the listeners learning.

9 Maintaining focus on the purpose of the communication When you are communicating you need to always stick to the point and not go off on a tangent. You need to constantly keep a clear voice, avoid listening barriers and keep it as efficient as possible. This will make it so the listeners get the most out of your communication.

10 Select appropriate communication styles. You need to keep your communication style suited to the audience to help them take in what you have said as efficiently as possible. It also will help them with their attention span and active listening.

11 Adapt terminology and vocabulary to the needs of the audience Adapting terminology and vocabulary to your audience is important as it will help them understand and will get rid of any unnecessary confusion.

12 Reduce barriers to listening Reducing barriers to listening is important as a communicator as it reduce the amount of understandings and will help the listeners learn as efficient as possible.

13 Differentiate between facts and feelings You have to make sure you show difference between your facts and feelings when speaking so people do not get confused between the two and start think you are speaking facts when you are representing your feelings and opinions.

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