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ACTIVE LISTENING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING. LISTENING FACT: Other than breathing, people spend more time ______________ than any other activity. However, most.

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Presentation on theme: "ACTIVE LISTENING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING. LISTENING FACT: Other than breathing, people spend more time ______________ than any other activity. However, most."— Presentation transcript:


2 LISTENING FACT: Other than breathing, people spend more time ______________ than any other activity. However, most people don’t really _____________!

3 Experts say…. We only remember ____________percent of what we hear. Thus, when we talk to our boss, friend, spouse, etc for 10 minutes, they will only remember ______________minutes of what we said!

4 Steven Covey says… “Seek first to________________, then to be____________________.” Thus, we should focus first on improving our listening skills then our public speaking skills.

5 ACTIVE LISTENING Calls for the listener to devote his/her full ________________to the speaker, to genuinely care about what is being said and to encourage the speaker to keep talking.

6 ACTIVE LISTENING ( CONT) Active listening does not come _______________to most of us. Usually, it’s the opposite. Most people are more interested in what they have to say than what is being said to them. As the person speaks, we tend to organize our thoughts in preparation for when we get the chance to talk. Most want the other person to hurry and stop talking so they can talk.

7 ACTIVE LISTENING (cont.) Active listening is a skill that ____________and _________________ developed. Active listeners listen to the person speaking rather than thinking about their __________________. Active listeners seek to __________________ the speaker before voicing their own thoughts

8 ACTIVE LISTENING (cont) Keys to effective active listening Stop working, watching TV, reading, etc. Look directly at the person (________________!) Don’t turn away from the speaker Sit up __________________. _____________________, say “uh-ah,” “I understand,” “I see what you mean,” etc. Smile and use facial expressions to show understanding.

9 ACTIVE LISTENING (cont) Don’t ______________ listen. Repeat back phrases to ____________ what the person is saying. Act _________________, ask questions. Don’t __________________ speaker.

10 ACTIVE LISTENING (CONT.) Fight against distracting thoughts and preparing a ________________. Refrain from side conversations when listening in a group setting. OK to take notes. Don’t _______________. Always be _________________ of your facial expressions and body language.

11 Let the person ________________speaking before talking yourself. Very important!

12 PUBLIC SPEAKING Most people fear it more than _____________(so it is said) Crucial part of being a ______________________ in any given field

13 PUBLIC SPEAKING TIPS Know the ____________ of the audience Match your content to their needs Know your material ________________ Organize your thoughts carefully Speak with conviction (______________)

14 PUBLIC SPEAKING TIPS (cont.) Speak slowly and enunciate clearly Body language. Appropriate hand gestures Make eye contact (3-5 second method) Speak loud enough to be heard by all Use voice inflection (avoid monotone) Practice, practice, practicePractice, practice, practice


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