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How much is it? いくらですか ikuradesuka. 1. Asking How Much Something Is How much? ikura desu ka How much is it? kore wa ikura desu ka How much is a T-shirt?

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Presentation on theme: "How much is it? いくらですか ikuradesuka. 1. Asking How Much Something Is How much? ikura desu ka How much is it? kore wa ikura desu ka How much is a T-shirt?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How much is it? いくらですか ikuradesuka

2 1. Asking How Much Something Is How much? ikura desu ka How much is it? kore wa ikura desu ka How much is a T-shirt? T-shirt wa ikura desu ka

3 2. Telling How Much Something Is It costs $$$ dollars. $$$ doru desu. It costs $$$ dollars $$ cents. $$$ doru $$ sento desu. The T-shirt costs $$$ dollars $$ cents. T-shirt wa $$$ doru $$ sento desu.

4 When counting money in cents there are phonetic changes to watch out for, they are highlighted in the table below. MoneyRomaji 5 cents go sento 10 cents ju s sento 15 cents juu go sento 20 cents ni ju s sento 25 cents ni juu go sento 30 cents san ju s sento 35 cents san juu go sento 40 cents yon ju s sento 45 cents yon juu go sento 50 cents go ju s sento 55 cents go juu go sento 60 cents roku ju s sento 65 cents roku juu go sento 70 cents nana ju s sento 75 cents nana juu go sento 80 cents hachi ju s sento 85 cents hachi juu go sento 90 cents kyuu ju s sento 95 cents kyuu juu go sento


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