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“Anyone seen my eggs………I think I left them in this pond?”

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2 “Anyone seen my eggs………I think I left them in this pond?”

3 Growth stages The fertilized eggs of a frog are called frog spawn.The blobs inside the eggs are called embryos and they are protected in a bag of jelly.

4 The eggs are laid in water and after a week or so they hatch into tadpole.They swim around and breath through gills and will grow very quickly.

5 After about 7 weeks the tadpole grows hind legs and then front legs and it will soon breath through lungs rather than gills.

6 The frog’s tail begins to get shorter but the legs continue to grow and at 14 weeks the frog is then an froglet and can leave the water.

7 Frog Life Cycle Frog Spawn [eggs] Fully grown Froglet. Tadpoles 2 weeks old. After 7 weeks the tadpole grows front and hind legs.

8 Can you put the pictures in the right order? (You will have to end the slide show and choose slide 7)

9 “I’m a tree frog.” Toads have bumpy skin. “Some frogs are poisonous like me.” Tadpoles have fins just like a fish does!

10 What came first? The chicken or the egg? Frogs and toads are part of the amphibian group of animals.

11 Glossary Gills flaps on the side of a tadpoles head which it uses to get oxygen Lungs bags in the chest of the frog that fill up with air to get oxygen Amphibian an animal that lays eggs in water and lives on land and in water for part of its life Frog spawn the eggs laid by a female frog

12 Don’t forget to look after the animals and plants all around us!


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