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The Parthenon - Athens.

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1 The Parthenon - Athens










11 Greek Vase Painting

12 Geometric style

13 Second stage of Greek vase painting:
The Stick Figure period



16 Three Periods of Greek Sculpture
1. Archaic – stiff and stylized 2. Classical – idealized, perfect, beautiful, serene 3. Hellenistic – dramatic, full of movement, more realistic (imperfections are shown)

17 Archaic Period Kore (female figure)

18 Archaic period Kouros

19 Archaic Period Kouros (male figure)

20 Classical Period The Discus Thrower By Myron Myron is much more interested in the aesthetics of the pose than he is in a realistic portrayal of an athlete in motion.


22 Classical period Venus de Milo The perfect and graceful proportions of the figure tell us this sculpture dates from the classical period.

23 Classical period Doryphorus (The Spear Bearer) Note the contrapposto stance By Polyclitus

24 Hellenistic period The Seated Boxer In this period, human figures were less idealized. This boxer is tired and broken, not young and beautiful.


26 Hellenistic Period The Laocoon Group The dramatic subject matter of this sculpture is characteristic of the Hellenistic period.

27 Hellenistic Period – The Dying Gaul


29 In The Dying Gaul, the young warrior is wounded in the chest
In The Dying Gaul, the young warrior is wounded in the chest. The dramatic content and marred body tell us this sculpture comes from the Hellenistic period.

30 Hellenistic Period The Nike of Samothrace (Winged Victory) Note the movement suggested by the drapery, the uplifted wings, and the stance.

31 Which period would the sculpture in the middle belong to?

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