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The Confident Champion

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Presentation on theme: "The Confident Champion"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Confident Champion
How to create breakthrough confidence and BELIEVE in yourself so you can deliver amazing peak performance, become and star athlete, and dominate your sport.

2 1. STOP losing your confidence, becoming passive and self-conscious, and over-thinking sport. When this happens, you perform at only a fraction of your potential and really don’t enjoy competing.

3 2. STOP competing overwhelmed with fear, choking, and getting worse and worse out there so that your performance goes up and down like a yo-yo and you lose playing time, get yelled at, or let your team down.

4 3. Try to compete with sub-par skills or skills that have hit a plateau so you really can’t accomplish your goals no matter how motivated you are because you don’t have the skills.

5 1. Create breakthrough confidence for yourself so that you are energized, confident, aggressive, and excited to perform whenever you go out there.

6 2. Transform yourself into a mentally tough athlete so you can deliver peak performances, get instant respect, and win consistently under pressure.

7 3. Develop consistent confidence by mastering the art of persistence and the will to win so you achieve total self-mastery and are in control of your athletic destiny.

8 Session 1 How to Create Unshakable Confidence and BELIEVE in Yourself in Sport

9 Session 2 How To Express Your True Greatness & Transform Yourself Into A Genuine STAR

10 Session 3 The Magic Formula for Becoming Fearless and Super-Charged with Confidence BEFORE You Compete

11 Session 4 CONSISTENT Confidence: How to Master the Art of Persistence &
the Will to Win

12 Session 5 Relationship Mastery - How to Create Happy Relationships for Ultimate Confidence

13 Session Four Review CONSISTENT Confidence: How to Master the Art of Persistence &
the Will to Win

14 EXERCISE – Courage & Aggressiveness
1) Recall the last time you showed courage – the last time you did something in competition or practice that frightened you.

15 EXERCISE – Courage & Aggressiveness
2) With respect to your Demon Stressor, how could you show courage in your next practice or competition? How could you make a habit of showing courage with it?

16 EXERCISE – Courage & Aggressiveness
3) Close your eyes and visualize what kind of athlete you would be if you were 10%, 20%, or even 30% more of the “good aggressive” out there. Then write down exactly what you’d do in competition

17 EXERCISE - Optimism Here are some questions that will automatically trigger optimism in you. Please think about your Demon Stressor when you answer them…

18 EXERCISE - Optimism 1) Describe something you`ve given up on right now, e.g., if your Demon Stressor is losing your swing in golf, then describe how you’ve given up on being able to re-create a consistent golf swing that allows you to crush the ball 300+ yards straight down the fairway.

19 EXERCISE - Optimism 2) What attempts have you made to reach your goal (the opposite of your Demon Stressor)? For example, if you are a swimmer and your Demon Stressor is getting a slow start, then you’ve given up on changing your start technique to be faster. Be extremely detailed in your answer - leave no stone unturned when describing what you’ve already tried.

20 EXERCISE - Optimism 3) How are you being passive like the elephants with learned helplessness? Be specific in your description – explain what you are NOT doing to make it happen.

21 EXERCISE - Optimism 4) What do you need to learn to defeat your Demon Stressor and succeed in your goal?

22 EXERCISE - Optimism 5) Who can help you reach your goal? (Include resources and people here).

23 EXERCISE - Optimism 6) What’s your worst case scenario if you don't achieve your goal the first time? How could you do damage control and come back?

24 Session Five Agenda Relationship Mastery How to Create Happy Relationships for Ultimate Confidence

25 Stop Rejection Now Nothing will destroy your confidence faster than rejection from coaches, athletes, and parents in your competing environment. Discover the secret that only 3% of athletes know for preventing and escaping rejection so you can keep your confidence sky-high.

26 A Magical Phrase That Erases Conflict
The 10 words to say to resolve conflict with a teammate, competitor, coach or parent so you can focus 100% on performing your best and winning.

27 The MAGIC Trade Secret of Pro Leaders
You’ll learn two killer methods for getting the people in your life to support you completely. With these methods, you will ethically gain the respect and admiration of everyone around you, making you invincible out there.

28 How To Handle Difficult or Moody People
You are not a robot – your competing environment affects you…which is why you need to know how to handle moody coaches, competitors, parents, and other athletes in your competing environment. You will get a step-by-step method for so you can stay calm, confident and in control no matter how others are treating you.

29 THE Relationship Success Principle
You’ll discover the most potent strategy on the planet for creating happy, harmonious relationships with teammates, coaches, parents, and even officials.

30 Coach Picking on You? Here’s What To Do
You’ll receive a specific script that will work every time to melt away tension between you and your coach and get him or her to be your biggest fan.

31 What is Confidence? Confidence is the belief that you can cope with the challenges of competition and fulfill your desires. It is a profound belief in your athletic self.

32 We develop confidence from continually defeating fear using the three mental practices of the Confident Champion: Face It, Master It, and Make It Happen.

33 Face It – The Practice of Consciousness
Master It – The Practice of Competence Make It Happen – The Practice of Commitment

34 When you engage in these three practices every day, you gain more and more CONTROL over your performance, which triggers your Confident Self.

35 In Session one, two, and three, we focused mainly on the first two practices of the Confident Champion – Face It (face your fear) and Master It (master your sport). In Session Four and Five, we are going to bring in more of Make It Happen: The Practices of Commitment.

36 Why Relationship Mastery?

37 Woody Allen said that “80% of problems come with hair on top
Woody Allen said that “80% of problems come with hair on top.” When we are having conflict with the main people in our lives, we can spiral into anger and depression

38 To create breakthrough confidence, deliver peak performances, and win, we need more than just a belief in our skills. We need to feel emotionally stable, worthy of success, and valued. Above all else, what we are really seeking is love.

39 So what is the key to happy, harmonious relationships?

40 The key to relationship mastery is actually quite simple.

41 In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Sue Johnson says that we need to feel emotionally safe with people and make them feel safe too. Dr. Johnson calls this ‘holding each other tight.’

42 The reason for this is because we are emotionally attached to and dependent on our loved ones the same way a small child is dependent on a parent for nurturing, soothing, and protection.

43 EXERCISE – Emotionally Safe
In the space below, write down three important relationships in your life in which you feel emotionally safe…

44 EXERCISE – Emotionally Safe
How do these relationships affect your athletic training and performance?

45 Attachment Distress When you are in distress in any relationship, it’s because you don’t feel emotionally safe, or truly cared for, or 100% accepted, or truly loved at times in the relationship.

46 This state is called ‘attachment distress.’

47 In your heart, you are asking, “Can I count on you, depend on you
In your heart, you are asking, “Can I count on you, depend on you? Are you there for me? Will you respond to me when I need, when I call? Do I matter to you? Am I valued and accepted by you? Do you need me, rely on me?”

48 On the surface, attachment distress seems extreme
On the surface, attachment distress seems extreme. But it’s actually common for most people to experience it quite often, as much as several times a week!

49 Here are some common examples of attachment distress…

50 The coach of Christy’s rowing team is also her boyfriend, Owen
The coach of Christy’s rowing team is also her boyfriend, Owen. Owen almost never shows Christy affection in public, which bothers Christy, even to the point of making her doubt that he cares about her.

51 Cal is a seventeen year old hockey player who has now been cut from midget AAA twice. Deep in his heart he feels the coach does not value him and he is bitter about it.

52 Jeff, a volleyball player, is convinced his team captain thinks he sucks. He says the captain gives him bad body language and the “stink eye”, and it makes him feel unappreciated on the team.

53 Textbook Attachment Distress – Swimmer Dara Torres

54 ‘Do you think I can still do this. Do you think I can still swim fast

55 ‘I think you can do well in the 50, but I’m not sure how well you’ll do in the 100,”’ he replied n his matter-of-fact German way.

56 ‘I know I can sometimes seem tough and confident on the surface, but I really have two opposing sides to myself: the fierce competitor who thinks she can swim faster than anybody else, and the vulnerable woman desperate to please others and afraid to fail.

57 Part of training, for me, is believing I’m going to win
Part of training, for me, is believing I’m going to win. I need to imagine victory—that’s how my mind works…I’m happy if I win and I`m unhappy if I lose, but it doesn`t change my mind. I keep wanting to win, and I keep imagining I’ll be able to do that.”

58 “You know, Michael, I’d just really appreciate it if you didn’t say anything negative to me before I swim.’’

59 He looked at me sort of blankly. ‘What are you talking about?’

60 ‘You know that comment you made yesterday at lunch
‘You know that comment you made yesterday at lunch? That you didn’t think I could swim well at the 100? You make those little comments, and they really upset me, so I’d really appreciate it if you’d stop.’

61 If you’re struggling to step up and ask for what you want and need, remember being a confident champion is not just about you.

62 Sometimes you have to step up and manage the people around you in order to bring out your best.

63 In fact one of the main things that separates athletes who reach their goals from athletes who do not is that they willing to be assertive with the people around them.

64 You can see from these examples how common attachment distress is, both in sport and life.

65 However, most people don’t recognize they are in it, partly because it’s so common and partly because we’re very reluctant to admitting this level of vulnerability about another person. We want to be ‘too cool for school’ and pretend that we’re above feeling alone, hurt, and rejected the same way we did as small children.

66 Attachment Distress – The Signs
Here are some easy ways to tell if you are ever in “attachment distress” in any relationship…

67 You do not trust the other person; either you don’t think he’ll keep his promises or you doubt his sincerity. You feel under-valued and unappreciated. You are very sensitive to the moods of the other person and fall into depression when he or she does not respond to you positively. You tend to feel rejected around him.

68 You find yourself complaining about the other person to your friends
You find yourself complaining about the other person to your friends. You realize you sound like a victim, but you can’t seem to help yourself. You find yourself obsessing about the other person in your head, usually running them down or defending yourself. If the other person criticizes you, you tend to over-react and struggle to keep it in perspective.

69 You are inauthentic and fake a lot with this person; you find asserting your needs and being yourself very difficult. Conflict with this person makes you feel inadequate; you tend to shut down emotionally and run away when it happens.

70 Attachment Distress – The Effects
When we are in attachment distress, we will usually suffer from one or more of the following…

71 De-motivation. You just don’t feel as fired up as usual
De-motivation. You just don’t feel as fired up as usual. You may even procrastinate or feel depressed.

72 Rejection Pain/Sadness. You feel unloved, unlovable, and even unworthy.

73 Anger/Frustration. You are ruminating about the person in your mind and may have difficulty concentrating.

74 Victim Mentality. You feel victimized by this person and helpless to get him to showing the caring you need.

75 Revenge Impulse. You want to hurt the person back for hurting you, and probably will say or do something to bring this about.

76 EXERCISE – Attachment Distress & You
Write down three relationships in which you sometimes find yourself falling into attachment distress…

77 EXERCISE – Attachment Distress & You
Write down the last time you recall being in this emotional state

78 EXERCISE – Attachment Distress & You
How did this situation affect your mood, productivity, athletic training and performance?

79 Attachment Distress – The Way Out
To develop breakthrough confidence and deliver amazing peak performance, you’ll want to free yourself of as much attachment distress in your life as possible.

80 There are three steps: Train other people to Hold You Tight.
Hold Tight the other people in your life. Learn how to soothe yourself and re-gain emotional security when in Attachment Distress.

81 When people have hurt us, let us down, and disappointed us, we want to shut them out and never have to risk being hurt again. While this is completely natural, this does not lead to feeling connected, happy, and confident. It leads to bitterness and insecurity – what I call the Scrooge syndrome.

82 The only way to feel whole again is to admit our longing to feel completely loved by the important people in our lives.

83 You may have heard the expression that “we teach people how to treat us.” This is exactly the strategy we can use to train other people to ‘hold us tight.’

84 How to Train Other People To ‘Hold You Tight’
Holding each other tight, explains Dr. Johnson, means tuning into each other’s calls for connection and then responding with caring.

85 We need to show our vulnerability by confessing our fears and longing for connection. When we do this, we can ‘move’ our loved ones into giving us what we need.

86 Step One: Drop The Need for Vengeance
It sounds simple! Problem solved!

87 But do we do it. Do we show our vulnerability to the people we love
But do we do it? Do we show our vulnerability to the people we love? Confess that we feel unlovable, or inadequate, or inferior? Tell them we need to connect? Ah, no.

88 Why not?

89 For the simple reason that our ‘attachment distress’ gets the better of us. (Once we’re in ‘attachment distress’ we fall into two stock responses…

90 We fight. We become demanding and clingy (usually by attacking, criticizing, and complaining) or
We withdraw and ignore (usually by avoiding or minimizing)

91 Yet both responses fail, because they hurt the other person
Yet both responses fail, because they hurt the other person. In fact, trying to protect ourselves and vengeance (getting even) are the same thing, explains Steven Reiss, Ph.D. in Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions And Define Our Personalities.

92 “The desire to get even with people who offend us is associated with feelings of anger or hatred. Its primal origin concerns an animal’s need to defend itself when attacked,” Reiss notes. Once we’re hurt, we want to hurt back.

93 Of course vengeance always backfires
Of course vengeance always backfires. We are all are so sensitive that the smallest misstep can cause us to doubt we are loved.

94 EXERCISE – Vengeance: Fight or Flight
In the space below, record a recent time when you felt not cared for (in attachment distress) and either picked a fight with the person or shut down and ignored him or her. Describe your exact reaction, whether it was complaining and criticizing or ignoring him/her.

95 EXERCISE – Vengeance: Fight or Flight
Write down how you blame the other person for not getting what you want in the relationship. Make sure you include the other person’s weaknesses as your justification. “He’s selfish.” “She’s insecure like her Mom.”

96 EXERCISE – Vengeance: Fight or Flight
Now record how your blame hurts this person and makes the relationship worse.

97 Dropping Blame, Vengeance, and Fight or Flight
To be a confident champion and deliver amazing peak performances consistently, you’ll want to become an excellent communicator – both in communicating with yourself and others.

98 Now that you are aware of your tendency (fight or flight) with this person, your job is to change how you communicate so that you have a much better chance of getting the caring you need.

99 The first change you can make is to be more honest with yourself about what’s really going on inside you – meaning, you acknowledge that you are hurt and attachment distress. You are wondering, “Can I count on you, depend on you? Are you there for me? Will you respond to me when I need, when I call? Do I matter to you? Am I valued and accepted by you? Do you need me, rely on me?”

100 What most people do instead is deny their vulnerability.

101 “I don’t care what he thinks.” “He’s an idiot, I’m going to ignore him.” “I’m going to really tell her off when I see her.”

102 All these types of responses are “You can’t fire me, I quit
All these types of responses are “You can’t fire me, I quit!” types of responses and they are not very honest. They are designed to protect us from feeling sad, rejected, and vulnerable.

103 Here’s a quick exercise that will help you avoid the natural reactions of blame and vengeance.

104 EXERCISE – Telling the Truth
Tell the truth about the incident you’ve been working on in this session. E.g., “When he gives me the stink eye in practice, I feel so rejected and useless I want to crawl into a hole. I wish he respected me.” So here is the formula…

105 EXERCISE – Telling the Truth
State the way the other person treated you.

106 EXERCISE – Telling the Truth
State how it made you feel (angry, rejected, hurt, alone, sad, inadequate, insignificant).

107 EXERCISE – Telling the Truth
State how you secretly wish this person felt about you and treated you.

108 Once you’re told the truth to yourself, you can tell the truth to him or her – and “move” the person into holding you tight.

109 Getting Total Clarity Remember: no matter how mentally tough you are, your environment affects you, and if you want genuine breakthrough confidence, you need to gain the support of the people in your competing environment: coaches, parents, team members, and even competitors.

110 To get the support you need, you will need to train the people you love to ‘hold you tight.’ You deserve to feel supported, valued, and believed in. To get this kind of support, you’ll need total clarity on what they need to do that makes you feel this way, because we all a bit different.

111 The Five Love Languages
The idea that we all need different things to FEEL loved, supported, and respected was made popular by Dr. Gary Chapman in The Five Love Languages, which basically teaches that we all have unique ways of receiving love and support.

112 There is an irony to love languages: We tend to express love the way WE feel loved, not the way people need to receive it. The idea of languages explains why so many people feel lonely and sad, even when they seem to have a lot of “good” relationships on the outside.

113 The five love languages in romantic relationships are: verbal affirmation (compliments and I Love You’s), gifts (obvious), acts of service (doing things for us), physical affection (hugs, sexual intimacy), listening, and quality time (doing things the other person enjoys).

114 All of us enjoy these things, but most of us have one or two as primary love languages.

115 When someone expresses love to us in these ways, we feel valued, cherished, loved, and respected. We rarely feel hurt, alone, and abandoned by this person because he “gets” us.

116 Sport Love Languages Sport has its own set of “love languages”. In my travels, I’ve noticed the following…

117 Verbal Affirmation – Compliments, smiles, fist bumps when you do well.
Show of Support – The person invests time, energy, and money in helping you achieve your goals in sport. Show of Belief – Through compliments, playing time, and giving you responsibility during the event (e.g., passing you the puck), the person demonstrates belief that you can get the job done. Listening – The person listens to your concerns, needs, heartaches, and triumphs.

118 EXERCISE – Your Sport Love Languages
It’s time to get specific. With a person in mind, write down 5-10 different endings for the following sentence...

119 EXERCISE – Your Sport Love Languages
I want [person X] to start _______

120 Make sure you describe observable behaviours only
Make sure you describe observable behaviours only. For example, if you wrote, “I want Joan to start saying ‘great game’ to me after I play well,” this is more specific than saying, “I want Joan to start recognizing my talent.” Please be specific in terms of what behaviour you want from this person. Saying you want ‘recognition’ or ‘respect’ from someone still doesn’t clarify exactly what behaviour you are seeking.

121 EXERCISE – Your Sport Love Languages
Once you are done this sentence completion, do the same thing for the following sentence…

122 EXERCISE – Your Sport Love Languages
I want [person X] to stop _______

123 Again, make sure you describe observable behaviour
Again, make sure you describe observable behaviour. For example, you might write, “I want Grant to stop telling me how to improve during the game because it distracts me.” At this point, you should have a concrete idea of what behaviours you want and don’t want from this person. If you still aren’t sure, write 5 different endings for both sentences each day for the next 7 days until you have more clarity.

124 EXERCISE – Your Sport Love Languages
Your next job is to ask this person for what you need to feel loved or respected by him/her. You simply assume this person doesn’t know what you need and ask for it.

125 EXERCISE - Ask and You Shall Receive
In the space below, write down the request you will make of this person…

126 Lisa I don’t know if you can help me, but here goes, what should i do if i really want to practice and i am scared to practice with my dad because he yells and makes me feel bad?

127 In private, say something like, "Dad, I know you are trying to help me
In private, say something like, "Dad, I know you are trying to help me...but you are making me worse by yelling. If you want me to do something different in practice, ASK me to do it - please don’t yell at me."

128 If he promises not to do it but does it again, the second he starts to yell, turn to him and say, "Don’t yell at me, Dad. Just ask me for what you want."

129 Say it every time he yells in a way that de-motivates you (sometimes yelling can motivate you because it’s actually appropriate - you’ll know the difference though).

130 If he doesn’t stop yelling, then walk out of practice
If he doesn’t stop yelling, then walk out of practice. He won’t yell again.

131 Sometimes Dads don’t realize how they are coming across and need you to take charge of the situation.

132 What If This Person WON’T Hold You Tight?
I know what you’re thinking. “What if I put myself out there and ask for what I want – but this person STILL doesn’t make me feel loved or valued?”

133 This is where you become like a detective and figure out WHY she’s not cooperating to make you feel loved.

134 “May I Ask Why?” In Nice On My Feelings, Dr. Terry Orlick tells the story of Little Mary, who wanted to wear her sandals to the picnic. The problem was that Mary’s mother wanted her to wear running shoes, not sandals. When Mary’s mother found that Mary had put on her sandals (and on the wrong feet) she said, “They’re on the wrong feet –change them.” Mary replied, “It doesn’t matter.”

135 Finally the mom got mad and yelled, “I don’t want to spend all morning getting shoes on. I want to go on the picnic,” slamming her hand hard on the floor. Mary began to cry and ran towards her room. Her mom intercepted Mary, slid her onto her knee and changed her shoes to the correct feet. She said, “I don’t want to hear any more whining or crying,” and quickly exited the house with Mary.

136 The next day Dr. Orlick asked Mary why she liked wearing her sandals better than her running shoes. Mary said, “Because I can tie these up, all by myself.” Mary wanted to wear shoes under her control, especially since she would be taking them on and off all day at the picnic.

137 EXERCISE – May I Ask Why? Your next job is to ask this person for what you need to feel loved or respected by him/her. You simply assume this person doesn’t know what you need and ask for it.

138 He DOESN’T KNOW what you want (even if you’ve asked him).
He thinks he’s ALREADY giving you want you want. He doesn’t REALIZE that by not giving you what you want, he’s actually making you feel unloved and crushing your confidence.

139 He finds what you’re asking HARD
He finds what you’re asking HARD. For example, if your Dad is a critical person, it is difficult to be accepting and supportive of you. He’s finding it hard to get MOTIVATED to give you what you want. This can happen if the person you love has a lot more emotional power in the relationship and does not respect you very much.

140 He is withholding it because he, too, feels UNLOVED in the relationship (and is being stingy).

141 Which Reason Is It?

142 1. He DOESN’T KNOW what you want (even if you’ve asked him).

143 2. He thinks he’s ALREADY giving you want you want.

144 3. He doesn’t REALIZE that by not giving you what you want, he’s actually making you feel unloved and crushing your confidence.

145 4. He finds what you’re asking HARD and he just doesn’t want to do it
4. He finds what you’re asking HARD and he just doesn’t want to do it. For example, if your Dad is a critical person, it is difficult to be accepting and supportive of you.

146 5. He’s finding it hard to get MOTIVATED to give you what you want
5. He’s finding it hard to get MOTIVATED to give you what you want. This can happen if the person you love has a lot more emotional power in the relationship and does not respect you very much.

147 6. He is withholding it because he, too, feels UNLOVED or UNAPPRECIATED in the relationship (and is being stingy).

148 EXERCISE – Solve the Mystery
Based on your “May I Ask Why? conversation, the reasons I just gave you, and the type of relationship you have, solve the mystery of why this person, despite caring about you, does not give you the experience of feeling loved, appreciated, or respected (hold you tight)…

149 Of course, once you unearth the reason why this person is not holding you tight, you can trouble-shoot what’s holding him or her back from giving you what you want and deserve.

150 ‘Hold Tight’ the other people in your life.
Learn how to soothe yourself and re-gain emotional security when in Attachment Distress.

151 Hold Other People Tight

152 I would like you to use what you’ve learned in this session to make all the people in your life feel more loved. Not only will this make you feel good, it will stack the odds in your favour of getting what you need to feel loved, supported, and respected.

153 EXERCISE – Hold Someone Tight
Select a specific relationship you would like to improve. In the space below, write down what you think makes him or her feel loved, respected, or valued by you…

154 30 Day Challenge For the next 30 days, do one thing every day (or week) depending on how often you see this person to make him or her feel loved or valued by you. Record what you did and how he or she responded in your Athlete’s Journal.

155 Pave the Way: A Magical Phrase That Erases Conflict
If the relationship you selected is tense (or not going well) because you have hurt him or her, there is a magical phrase that will erase the conflict if you are genuine when you use it.

156 I read it recently...a simple piece of advice that said, ‘When you’ve upset someone, don’t justify yourself or argue. Simply say, ‘I’m so sorry I upset you. Would you forgive me?’

157 Coach Down On You? Here’s What to Do
Let’s look at a flesh and blood example of how you can make an immediate, dramatic improvement in a relationship using the Hold Me Tight method of asking someone what she needs to feel valued.

158 Lisa, my coach is a bully..she puts me down and doesnt play me after I mess up (i play vollryball.). I have broken down a few times even though I tell myself to ignore her.

159 I am getting less and less agressive in practice because my self-esteem is slowly going down the drain, and my confidence is leaving.

160 I have always gotten adrenaline rushes, but now I just get plain scared to mess up for what she will do to me.

161 I am not going back to the volleyball team next season as a junior in highschool, and I’m going to play on a club team.

162 Do you have any tips to boost my confidence or help me get through the rest of the season?

163 First, you need to channel your anger into playing better
First, you need to channel your anger into playing better. Right now you are turning your anger inwards, towards yourself.

164 You’re going "on strike" psychologically
You’re going "on strike" psychologically. Quitting without actually quitting.

165 You’re doing this to hurt your coach because she’s hurting you
You’re doing this to hurt your coach because she’s hurting you. Coaches hate when players go "on strike" because it’s their job to get the most out of you.

166 The problem with playing poorly is that it hurts you more than it hurts her.

167 Going on strike feels good temporarily because you get to feel sorry for yourself and make her miserable at the same time.

168 But, it’s not an effective long term solution, because your "mental strike" is the reason your confidence is leaving you -- not her.

169 So instead of sabotaging yourself, I want you learn how to have a CHALLENGE response.

170 I’m talking about the "good" anger that makes you play better
I’m talking about the "good" anger that makes you play better. Then go out there and make your point on the court.

171 Say something like, "I know you are trying to get me to play better
Say something like, "I know you are trying to get me to play better...but you are making me worse by yelling at me. If you want me to do something different in practice, ASK me to do it - don’t yell at me. Coach what do you want?"

172 If she’s not playing you, go see her after practice
If she’s not playing you, go see her after practice. Say, "Coach, why aren’t you playing me? What do you need to see from me?"

173 Then get out your notepad and take good notes
Then get out your notepad and take good notes. LISTEN to what she’s asking of you. Then give it to her on the court.

174 Of course, to take my advice, first you need to forgive her
Of course, to take my advice, first you need to forgive her. Right now you won’t be motivated to stop your strike because all you want to do is hurt her.

175 Until you give up wanting to hurt her, nothing good is going to happen in volleyball this year. How do you forgive? Simple.

176 You give up your intense need to hurt her
You give up your intense need to hurt her. Remember all athletes are competitive, and all competitive people have a strong desire for vengeance (the desire to hurt people back).

177 If you forgive her, play better, and communicate with her like I’ve suggested, you can resolve this.

178 But somebody has to make that first move, and that somebody is you.

179 Remember, confident champions are not typical athletes
Remember, confident champions are not typical athletes. A typical athlete would pack it in and avoid this coach forever.

180 How to Rescue Yourself from Attachment Distress
Despite their best intentions, sometimes other people will make mistakes and let you down. We are all a work in progress and because of this, people transgress against us every day.

181 Therefore, no matter how wonderful your relationships are, you will still have a certain amount of attachment distress in your life. When people love you imperfectly, you’ll want to shut down (go numb) or lash out at them because you feel hurt, angry and sad.

182 “His Confidence Has Taken A Big Blow”
A simple example: here’s an I got recently from a Dad about his son…

183 "Lisa my son is 14 and plays competitive hockey
"Lisa my son is 14 and plays competitive hockey. The team is doing well and will likely go to playoffs. Unfortunately, the two last very close games, my son was benched during the whole sudden death overtime.

184 What hurts the most, is that he was actually playing a great game
What hurts the most, is that he was actually playing a great game. It seems the coach did not want to risk it.

185 His confidence has taken a big blow
His confidence has taken a big blow. He came out of the dressing room tonight saying "I thought I played a very good game, why was I benched?"

186 97% of athletes will react the way this 14-year-old did
97% of athletes will react the way this 14-year-old did. The message they interpret the coach is sending is, “You’re not good enough to play,” and the buy into it. They may disagree in their heart, but instead of choosing their own belief over the coach’s, they will accept it.

187 Next, they implode. They turn their anger inward on themselves and get depressed and passive, playing worse and worse. They’ve officially blamed themselves for the message they got from their coach.

188 The Good Will Hunting Strategy

189 When we are in attachment distress, we feel unloved and unlovable
When we are in attachment distress, we feel unloved and unlovable. We feel unworthy. This cripples our self-esteem and confidence because deep down, we don’t feel worthy of love, success, and happiness.

190 “It’s Not Your Fault” To rescue ourselves from attachment distress, you need to grasp one concept: that whenever people reject you, abandon you, or give you negative messages about yourself, it is NOT YOUR FAULT.

191 All his life, Will bought into the idea that the abuse was his fault
All his life, Will bought into the idea that the abuse was his fault. He felt worthless and lived a life way below his potential. At the end of the movie, however, he is ready to entertain that maybe it was not his fault.


193 However, the fact is that because being a conscious parent is quite difficult, most of us were loved imperfectly, and as a result, internalized negative messages. The most common ones I’ve noticed are…

194 I’m not good enough I’m a bad person I don’t exist or matter (I’m invisible)

195 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
Follow this series of questions to nurture yourself through attachment distress whenever someone is rejects you or gives you a negative message about yourself.

196 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
1. What is the message this person is giving you about yourself? (Use the “I’m not good enough” / “I’m a bad person” / “I don’t exist or matter” to give you ideas)

197 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
2. How does this message make you FEEL?

198 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
3. How does this message make you ACT? (How do you show with your behaviour and actions that you’ve bought into it?)

199 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
4. When did you decide to buy into this message and believe it? Why did you do that?

200 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
5. Could you let this message go?

201 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
6. Would you let it go?

202 EXERCISE – Good Will Hunting
7. When?

203 Getting to The Truth I know what you’re thinking. “Lisa what if the person giving me the negative message is someone I love and trust? Or, what if there’s some truth to what he is saying?”

204 First of all, there is never any truth to a message that you are a) not good enough, b) a bad person or c) you don’t exist or matter.

205 You are wondering if there is a GRAIN of truth to one of these messages. For example, if your coach believes other players will do a better job in the final minutes of a game, and every other coach agrees, what are you to take away from that?

206 Instead of getting defensive, I explored the criticism with questions
Instead of getting defensive, I explored the criticism with questions. "What is the difference, exactly, between the way I play vs. Diana?"

207 Finally, my friend looked me in the eye and said, "Nothing
Finally, my friend looked me in the eye and said, "Nothing. I think they are trying to tear you down a bit because you always score."

208 48 hours later we won the World Ringette Championship
48 hours later we won the World Ringette Championship. And, we did it together, as a total team.

209 First, get to the heart of this person’s perception of you
First, get to the heart of this person’s perception of you. Is there any truth to it?

210 Never let anyone criticize you globally, such as, "You’re a jerk
Never let anyone criticize you globally, such as, "You’re a jerk." Just ask, "How am I a jerk exactly?"

211 If you are being a jerk, you can certainly change.

212 I was not a perfect teammate
I was not a perfect teammate. I think this is the reason why the criticism bothered me so much – deep down I knew I could be more supportive of others. So I set a goal to be more supportive and generous to everyone.

213 EXERCISE – How To Be Bullet-Proof to Criticism
Consider any negative message you are getting in your life from an important person. Is there any truth about you this message? Write down your thoughts in the space below…

214 EXERCISE – How To Be Bullet-Proof to Criticism
If you did identify anything true and you agree with the criticism, write down three things you can do immediately to change this about yourself…

215 Now get to work on these three items and wipe this problem off the map
Now get to work on these three items and wipe this problem off the map. Once you do, you’ll no longer be vulnerable to criticism

216 No One Can Push You Around Without Your Permission
While photographing a the leopard for a course, 19-year-old Casy Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard Project in Hertfordshire was recently astounded by a mouse’s behaviour.

217 He said: "I have no idea where the mouse came from - she just appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the meat for the leopard. He didn’t take any notice of the leopard, just went straight over to the meat and started feeding himself.

218 The leopard was pretty surprised - she bent down and sniffed the mouse and flinched a bit like she was scared. In the meantime the mouse just carried on eating like nothing had happened!"

219 Even a gentle shove didn’t deter the little creature from getting his fill.

220 "It was amazing, even the keeper who had thrown the meat into the enclosure was shocked - he said he’d never seen anything like it before."

221 Project owner Jackie James added: "Sheena batted the mouse a couple of times to try to get it away from her food. But the determined little thing took no notice and just carried on."

222 So the mouse continued to eat the leopard’s lunch and show the leopard who was the boss...just proves no one can push you around without your permission.

223 Session Five Re-Cap

224 I'll talk to you again soon.

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