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LESSON 16 What if ....

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1 LESSON 16 What if ...

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17 A man is trapped in a room
A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape? If he (or) When he ... Answer He waits until night time and then goes through the first door.


19 A vacationing family sitting around the campfire has the following conversation: 1. Father: What day is it? I am sure it isn't Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. 2. Mother: Well that's not very helpful dear. Besides yesterday was Friday. 3. Father: No, now that I think about it, yesterday wasn't Friday, tomorrow is Friday. 4. Jon: The day after tomorrow is Thursday. 5. Meg: You are nuts. Tomorrow is Thursday. 6. Mother: Actually, it's probably Thursday today. 7. Jon: All we know for sure is that it wasn't Sunday yesterday. If only one statement above is true, what day of the week is it? Answer Number each person's statement and write down the list of days that it could be according to each statement.

20 A vacationing family sitting around the campfire has the following conversation: 1. Father: What day is it? I am sure it isn't Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. 2. Mother: Well that's not very helpful dear. Besides yesterday was Friday. 3. Father: No, now that I think about it, yesterday wasn't Friday, tomorrow is Friday. 4. Jon: The day after tomorrow is Thursday. 5. Meg: You are nuts. Tomorrow is Thursday. 6. Mother: Actually, it's probably Thursday today. 7. Jon: All we know for sure is that it wasn't Sunday yesterday. If only one statement above is true, what day of the week is it? 1. Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2. Saturday 3. Thursday 4. Tuesday 5. Wednesday 6. Thursday 7. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday The only day mentioned one time is Monday. Therefore it must be Monday, otherwise one of the other statements would be true.


22 outdoors home garage bank school
A rich old lady died and left all her money to her grandchildren and her children. At the end of the will she stated that she had one last thing to give away: her precious diamond. She gave a clue to where it might be. She said "it's in a cylinder surrounded by a thousand squares." One grandchild said, "I know where it is," and found it. Where was it? outdoors home garage bank school Answer In a roll of toilet paper.


24 using thread + ....... but without knots

25 If _______ , __________ ZERO CONDITIONAL present present
(e.g. If you heat ice, it turns to water) present present

26 will + verb If _______ , __________ modal verb FIRST CONDITIONAL
PRESENT SIMPLE (If the weather clears, we will go for a walk) PRESENT CONTINUOUS (If she is standing in the rain, she'll catch a cold) PRESENT PERFECT (I'll come to you if I have finished all my work ) PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (If she has been travelling all night, she will need a rest) (eg. If she arrives early enough, she may come to see me) will + verb present modal verb present

27 past If _______ , __________ would + verb SECOND CONDITIONAL
PAST SIMPLE (If I knew the answer , I would help you) PAST CONTINUOUS (If I weren't working tomorrow, I'd come to you) would + verb


29 If I Were A Boy lyrics If I were a boy Even just for a day I ……………………………………in the morning And ……………………….. what I ……………………. and go …………………….. with the guys And ………………………… girls I’d kick it with who I wanted And I ………………………. confronted for it Because they’d stick up for me If I were a boy I think I ………………… understand How it feels to love a girl I swear ……………………. a better man …………………………… to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted Cause he’s taken you for granted And everything you had got destroyed If I were a boy I ……………………….. my phone Tell everyone its broken So they think that I was sleeping alone …………………………….. first And make the………………….as I go Cause I know that she………………………. Waiting for me to come home

30 SUMMARY UNIT 5 nauczyciel uczęszczać na kurs praca domowa brać udział
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