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Site and Situation AP Human Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Site and Situation AP Human Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site and Situation AP Human Geography

2 BR: What is the best location for a large city?

3 Near Water Near Resources Where else?

4 Where it is and what’s around it.
Patterns of urban development occur according to the site and situation of locations: Where it is and what’s around it.

5 Site and Situation Patterns of urban development occur according to the site and situation of locations: Where it is and what’s around it.

6 What is meant by site?

7 Site is the actual location of a city.
Cities will grow and prosper in locations that offer some advantages.

8 Examples of Site Harbor sites: the site of a natural harbor
Island sites: the site of islands in strategic locations Confluence sites: the site where rivers converge Hilltop sites: the site at the top of a hill Oasis sites: the site in the desert where caravans stopped for water

9 New York City became a major city because it is located on a natural harbor.

10 Paris, France became a major city because it is located on an Island in the Seine River.

11 Hong Kong, China became a major city because it is located on an Island.

12 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania became a major city because it is located at the site where three rivers converge (confluence or the Ohio River, the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River).

13 Rome, Italy became a major city because it is located at on a hill overlooking the city.

14 Athens, Greece became a major city because it is located at on a hill overlooking the city.

15 Damascus, Syria became a major city because it is located at the site of an oasis.

16 What is meant by situation?

17 Situation is another name for relative location—the location of a city with respect to other geographic features, regions, resources, and transport routes.

18 Examples of Situation Command of land between rivers
Focal point of religious pilgrimage Along trade routes Supply station for ships Along the U.S. Transcontinental Railroad

19 Baghdad, Iraq became a major city because it commands the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

20 City of religious pilgrimage Mecca, Saudi Arabia—Muslims-Hajj
Muslims on a Hajj to Mecca

21 Samarkand, Uzbekistan and Xi’an, China developed along the Silk Road, an ancient trade route across Asia

22 Cape Town, South Africa grew up on the southern tip of Africa because it supplied ships when they traveled from Europe to Asia

23 Omaha, Nebraska and Sacramento, California developed on the Transcontinental railroad in the USA

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