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Unit 2B- Biodiversity Reading in Textbook: Chapter 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2B- Biodiversity Reading in Textbook: Chapter 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2B- Biodiversity Reading in Textbook: Chapter 10

2 Biodiversity Warm Up Question: Answer in your notebook  What is your favorite animal? Why?

3  Biodiversity:  short for biological diversity – usually this term is used to refers to the variety of different species in a given area  Biosphere:  All Life on Earth

4 What kinds of biodiversity are out there?

5 Insects…

6 Fungi…

7 Arachnids…

8 Nematodes…

9 Bacteria…

10 Plants…

11 Mollusks…

12 Algae….

13 Others…

14 Protozoans…

15 Crustaceans…

16 Vertebrates…

17 How do we measure biodiversity?

18 Levels of Biodiversity  Species- variety of different organisms  Ecosystem- variety of habitats and organisms  Genetic- variability within a species (DNA)

19 Species Diversity

20 Genetic Diversity

21 Ecosystem Diversity

22 Why is biodiversity important?

23 Agriculture….

24 Medicine…

25 Ethical

26 Aesthetic

27 EcoTourism  Where nature and $$ co-exist  Countries set aside national park land  Wealthy people from other countries pay to visit  Typically in biodiversity “hotspots”  Rainforests, exotic ecosystems  End Goals:  Host country makes $$  Eco-tourists leave happy  Ecosystem remains (relatively) undisturbed

28 Aesthetic


30 Species Survival

31 Stability of Ecosystems

32 Potential???

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