Ellingsburg University Eagle Portal System Kathy Van Steenis Adrien Wright.

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1 Ellingsburg University Eagle Portal System Kathy Van Steenis Adrien Wright

2 Why a Custom Portal is Important Allows a customized view for individual users. Helps current students navigate campus services. Easier and customized navigation for faculty and alumni. Keeps constituents informed about relevant news and information.

3 Portal Channels Can’t Wait to be an Eagle (Recently Accepted Students) Current Eagles (Current Students) Wise Eagles (Alumni) Eagle Scholars (Faculty and Staff)

4 Portal Justification Addresses multiple constituents needs. Helps direct constituents to applicable services. Shows unity and school pride through connecting portals and therefore connecting constituents to the university. Navigating should be easy and user friendly.

5 People Involved in Planning each Portal From Student Affairs Admissions Career Services Campus Activities Residence Life Alumni Relations Public Relations Student Representative From Faculty and Administration Registrar Faculty member Academic affairs officer Information Services Technology Director

6 Outlets for Feedback Feedback would be retrieved from the departments via the committee members. Surveys that have constituents log on and then navigate certain pre-assigned tasks. A pilot test for students, alumni, and faculty/staff. Focus groups discussing the ease of use and navigation.

7 Technology Based Systems Each student will be assigned a student ID number when they are accepted into EU. They will retain this password and sign-in even as an alumni. When they sign-in they will receive news updates based on major, organization membership, and classification. They will also have an opportunity to sign-up as alumni to receive news on organizations they are interested in. i.e. athletics, membership (Greek Life), and relevant academic news based on field of study.

8 Organizing the Portal Pages Users would get to different portals through clicking on pictures that border the main screen. These pictures would consist of different students, alumni, and faculty/staff. For example if someone was interested in getting to career services they would click on either a current student or an alumni. If they are a recently accepted student and are interested in living in the residence hall they would click on either a current student or a recently accepted student.

9 Organizing the Portal Pages Can’t Wait to be an Eagle! (Recently Accepted Students)

10 Organizing the Portal Pages Recently Accepted Students Financial Aid Student Account Residence Life Campus Activities Academic Advisors Orientation Campus Map Etc…

11 Organizing the Portal Pages Current Eagles (Current Students)

12 Organizing the Portal Pages Current Students Eagle Mail Blackboard Registrar Student Accounts Career Services Transcripts/Grades Campus Activities Residence Life Etc…

13 Organizing the Portal Pages Wise Eagles (Alumni)

14 Organizing the Portal Pages Alumni Transcripts Giving Athletics Career Services Reunions Chapters Alumni Awards EU gifts Etc…

15 Organization of Portal Pages Eagle Scholars (Faculty/Staff)

16 Organizing the Portal Pages Faculty/Staff Blackboard Faculty Senate Campus Calendar Library Services Research Email Student Account Resources Student Services Etc…

17 Review of the Literature www.campustechnology.com/article.asp?id=4 137 www.campustechnology.com/article.asp?id=4 137 www.tltgroup.org/gilbert/SyllabusCol2.htm www.portalscommunity.com/library/fundamen tals.cfm www.portalscommunity.com/library/fundamen tals.cfm www.studentaffairs.com/ejournal/Winter_200 1/riber.html www.studentaffairs.com/ejournal/Winter_200 1/riber.html

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