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More Politics Now Introducing, Abe Lincoln!. Recap  Dred Scott Decision.

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Presentation on theme: "More Politics Now Introducing, Abe Lincoln!. Recap  Dred Scott Decision."— Presentation transcript:

1 More Politics Now Introducing, Abe Lincoln!

2 Recap  Dred Scott Decision

3 Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858  US Senate – Douglas v Lincoln  Open and public debates  Douglas = paces, pounds fist  Lincoln = still, direct  Douglas believed in popular sovereignty  Lincoln believed slavery was immoral and a greedy labor system

4 Debates continued  Douglas believed that slavery would end on its own via popular sovereignty  Lincoln believed that slavery would not go away until legislation ended it  Lincoln did NOT believe in social or political equality

5 Freeport Doctrine  “Could a body of people exclude slavery in a region that is not an official state?”  Dred Scott said no  Douglas said there was a way around the Dred Scott decision  Just elect reps who would not support slavery or the coinciding laws  Douglas gained Senate seat

6 Presidential Election 1860  Republican Convention  Chicago – becomes very overcrowded  William H. Seward – NY Senator  Very confident, thought he would win the nomination  Abe Lincoln  Unknown  No hate  Moderate

7 Presidential Election 1860  Lincoln has two advantages:  Location of Republican National Convention  Cooper Union speech  Stephen Douglas campaigned  Lincoln wins – 180 Electoral votes

8 Map

9 Election of 1860 Electoral College

10 Southern Secession  South Carolina – December 20, 1860  States Rights  6 other states secede from Union  Mississippi  Florida  Alabama  Georgia  Louisiana  Texas

11 Confederacy  February 4, 1861, Montgomery, Alabama  Confederate States of America  Protected and recognized slavery  Each state = sovereign and independent  Jefferson Davis  Washington DC  Why would there be a problem here?  Resignations

12 Fort Sumter, S.C.  April 12-13, 1861  Surrounding area taken over by SC, except Fort Sumter Confederacy demands that the U.S. evacuate Fort Sumter a.s.a.p. Bombardment and Surrender

13 Campaign Posters  Paper or Computer  Design a campaign poster for either Douglas, Lincoln, Breckinridge, or Bell.  Include an image or visual representation of the candidate.  Information about party  What party is the candidate running for?  What is the party’s main platform  Information about candidate  Nickname “I like Ike”  What does the candidate wish to achieve if appointed to office?

14 Election of 1864 - Examples

15 The Civil War Begins “One cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.” Albert Einstein

16 Union Advantages  Factories  Greater food production  Railroads  More fighting power – more men

17 Confederate Advantages  “King Cotton” profits  Better generals  Military tradition  Motivated soldiers

18 Union Strategy  Anaconda Plan –> 3 parts  Union would blockade Confederate ports  Navy would move up Miss. River and divide the Confederacy into 2 parts  Union would capture the Conf. capital – Richmond

19 Confederate Plan  Defensive  Attack when possible  Invade North when possible

20 Battle of First Bull Run  July 21, 1861  Inexperienced soldiers – both sides  Union on way to Richmond  Conf. led by Gen. Thomas J. Jackson  “Stonewall Jackson”  Union starts off good, Conf. take the win  Boosts Conf. morale  THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE A SHORT WAR!!

21 Union Army  Lincoln extends the enlistment requirement from 3 months to 3 years  Increases size of Army by 1 million  George McClellan heads Army

22 Fort Henry  Feb 6, 1862  Confederate Fort – TN River  Union army headed by U.S. Grant  Union plan – attack fort from land and water  Grant puts Union army in 2 places Conf. torpedoes Union Ironclads High water Union Victory

23 Lower Mississippi  David Farragut – “flag officer”  Zooms past 3 forts  Takes New Orleans  Division of Conf. actually happening  Port Hudson and Vicksburg left

24 Antietam  Lee’s battle plans around a bunch of cigars  McClellan gets aggressive  Lee puts in all men; McClellan plays ¾ of men  Bloodiest single-day battle in American history!!  No clear winner  McClellan is fired

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