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The Constitution A Living Document The Amendments Bill of Rights Amendments 1 - 10.

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2 The Constitution A Living Document

3 The Amendments Bill of Rights Amendments 1 - 10

4 The Constitution Amendment 1 - Freedom of Expression Provides for freedom of speech,religion, press, assembly, and petition.

5 The Constitution Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms n A well regulated militia is necessary to secure a free state n The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed Many question whether the original intent of the amendment would include some of the uses of hand guns today.

6 The Constitution Amendment 3 - Quartering of soldiers Reflective of British colonial rule, the government can not force people to house soldiers during peace time. Only through a Congressional law could the government force people to house soldiers during war.

7 The Constitution Amendments 4 and 5 Amendment 4 Search and Seizure n To search and seize, an official government warrant (issued upon probable cause) must specify place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Amendment 5 Rights of Accused n Grand jury indictment n Forbids double jeopardy n Does not have to unwillingly supply self incriminating information n Eminent domain

8 The Constitution Amendments 6 and 7 Amendment 6 Jury Trial The accused is guaranteed; n Speedy public trial n Impartial jury in district the said crime was committed. n Informed of accusation n confronted by witnesses n Able to have witnesses n Right to legal counsel Amendment 7 Rules of Common Law n Outdated, in common law suits involving $20, the right to jury shall be preserved. (Most lawsuits are not tried in federal courts. n No fact tried by a jury shall be re-examined in any court of the U.S.

9 The Constitution Amendments 8, 9, and 10 Amendment 8 - Limits on Criminal Punishment n Prohibits excessive bails and fines, as well as cruel and unusual punishment Amendment 9 - Rights kept by the people n The people’s rights are not limited by those mentioned in the Constitution (such as right to privacy) Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and the People n Powers not delegated (given) to the federal government, nor prohibited to the states, are reserved (kept) to the states or people.

10 The Constitution Amendment 11 Confirms that no Federal court may try a case in which a state is being sued by a citizen of another state or of a foreign country. (Changes Article III, Section II.)

11 The Constitution Amendment 12 n Changed the procedure for electing the President. n The electors would now vote separately for President and Vice President. n If the highest vote getter should attain majority, the House will select amongst the three top vote getters. In 1800, when only one ballot was used, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr received the same number of votes, as the House selected Jefferson for President.

12 The Constitution Amendment 13 n Abolished slavery. n Granted Congress the power to enforce (enabling act) this article by appropriate legislation. While slavery and slave auctions were outlawed, the mistreatment of Black Africans continued.

13 The Constitution Amendment 14 n Section 1 - All persons born or naturalized in the U.S. and subject to this country’s laws are citizens of the U.S. and of the state in which they live. n Section 2 - Blacks would be fully counted for representation and taxation n Section 3 - Barred former Confederacy leaders from holding federal office. Despite a presidential veto, the Freedmen’s bureau helped carry out many of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments’ intentions

14 The Constitution Amendment 15 n The right to vote shall not be denied based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Despite the efforts represented in the 15th amendment, there were many in society that worked against suffrage of blacks.

15 The Constitution Amendments 16 and 17 Amendment 16 Income Tax n Authorized Congress to tax incomes n Overruled a 1895 Supreme Court decision to the contrary Amendment 17 Election of Senators n Provided for the direct election of senators n Should a senate vacancy exist, the executive authority of the state shall appoint a replacement until an election is held as determined by the states legislature.

16 n Amendment 18 prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment (importing / exporting) of alcoholic beverages within the U.S. n Amendment 21 repealed amendment 18 The Constitution Amendments 18 and 21 December, 1933 - Prohibition ended, delighting many thirsty pub patrons. Of course, liquor was plentiful throughout the life of the 18th amendment.

17 The Constitution Amendment 19 n Provides that women may not be denied the right to vote in a federal or state election. Even though some states had granted female suffrage prior to the 19th amendment, the amendment represented a culmination of over 50 years of efforts.

18 The Constitution Amendment 20 n The terms of President and Vice President shall end on January 20. n House and Senate terms shall end on January 3. n Congress shall meet at least once a year. n Section 3/4 provides ways of filling the office of President in several emergencies The lame duck period was shortened from March to January reflecting improvements in transportation

19 The Constitution Amendment 22 n Limited the President to two terms in office. n A President serving two a two year term of office, was permitted to serve one additional term only President Franklin Roosevelt is the only President to serve more than two terms. He died in office.

20 The Constitution Amendments 23 and 24 Amendment 23 Voting in D.C. n Permitted residents in the District of Columbia the right to vote in the election of a President/V. P. n The shall not exceed the number of electors afforded the least populous state. Amendment 24 Poll Tax n Prohibited the use of poll tax to deny voting rights in federal elections n 1966 - Supreme court ruled that poll taxes were illegal in state and local elections as well.

21 The Constitution Amendment 25 n Establishes the procedures to follow should a President be too ill to serve. n When there is a vacancy in the Vice President’s office, the President shall appoint a replacement, contingent on Senate approval. 1973 - Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned, enabling President Nixon to appoint Gerald Ford, who later gained Senate approval.

22 The Constitution Amendment 26 Lowered the voting age to eighteen. Passed in 1971, the amendment in some ways represents the power associated with the youth during this time in history.

23 The Constitution Amendment 27 n Any changes in compensations for Senators and Representatives shall not take effect until after the next election.

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