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Presentation on theme: "LESSON: SAFETY AND INJURY PREVENTION UNIT: HEALTHY FOR LIFE."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Safety? Safety is actions and behaviors that will not hurt us or others around us! Examples: - Not running in the hallways - Not running with scissors - Keeping all of the isles clear in our classroom incase of an emergency

3 SAFETY ALWAYS COMES FIRST! Those were only a few examples of ways to stay safe in our classroom… Things that are unsafe are things that are dangerous (bad) and can hurt us! Which we do not want! Another way to stay safe at home and at school is by knowing important signs that you may see in our schools and in your community’s that you need to know in order to stay safe!

4 YOU TELL ME! Who can tell me what this sign means?

5 CAUTION That’s right, CAUTION! Caution is a word that tells you to slow down, be careful or pay close attention because it means that there is a possibly dangerous situation. So, whenever you see this sign you must stop what you are doing, slow down and be very careful to avoid danger! If you ever see this sign and you’re not sure why it’s there, be sure to ask an adult before you do anything else!

6 What about this sign?

7 DON’T WALK That’s right, DON’T WALK! This is a sign that you would see at a cross walk, or somewhere that you would cross a street. The sign shows a person with a red line over it to tell you that it is not okay to cross the street at that time or that place because cars are coming and it is not safe! So, if you see this sign what should you do?  That’s right, DO NOT WALK, wait for a grown up to tell you when it is okay to cross the street.

8 This one?

9 POISON That’s right, POISON! This symbol is extremely important, you may find this on cleaning bottles in your house, on chemicals, and on all things that are poisonous to your body, meaning that they are not meant to be in your body and can seriously hurt you! if you ever eat or drink something with this sign on it by accident, tell an adult immediately so that the adult can call 911 and get you help!

10 This one’s really important. What do you think this sign means?

11 EXIT SIGNS That’s right, EXIT! You absolutely need to know what this sign means and where to look for them. These signs tell you where to exit incase of an emergency. Every building you ever enter should have one of these signs! In case there is ever a fire or any kind of emergency, these signs are located above the doors and will tell you where the closest exit out of the building is. That’s why they light up, so you can easily see them incase of an emergency.

12 DOES OUR SCHOOL HAVE EXIT SIGNS? Let’s go find them!

13 What about these?

14 SEAT BELTS That’s right, they tell you that it’s a law to wear your seat belt whenever you’re in the car! Wearing a seat belt whenever you are in a car is the best way to practice car safety! Incase of an accident a seat belt can help keep you safe. AND….. IT’S A LAW! So make sure that everyone else in the car with you is wearing their seat belt too!

15 What does this symbol mean?

16 SHHH, BE QUIET Knowing what this symbol means may not seem very important, but in an emergency, during a fire drill, or even if your taking a test or in a library knowing when to be quiet is very important! During a fire drill or in a real emergency you have to be quiet to listen for directions that will keep you safe! And, during a test or in a library, being quiet shows respect to the other people around you!

17 There are so many signs, symbols and things to help keep us safe! Are there any more that you can think of that we haven’t learned about yet?

18 Overall Safety There are so many parts to overall safety, the ones we learned today are only a few. Let’s see if you guys can recognize some safe and unsafe behaviors before we move on to the end of our lesson! On the next slide, there will be a few pictures, as I point to them put your thumb UP if you think it is a SAFE behavior or put your thumb DOWN if you think its an unsafe behavior!

19 1. These students are standing in a line, walking the hallway. Thumbs up or thumbs down?

20 This boy is wearing his seat belt in the car. Thumbs up or thumbs down?

21 This boy is riding his bike without a helmet. Thumbs up or thumbs down?

22 LAST ONE! These kids are fighting instead of talking out their problems. Thumbs up or thumbs down?

23 ACTIVITY: To practice what we learned today about safety, get into groups and take a slip of paper from the front of the room with a situation on it for you to act out. Your group will act out the skit that you picked in front of the class and the class will have to decide weather what you acted out is a safe or unsafe behavior!


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