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Development of American Political Parties The Two-Party System.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of American Political Parties The Two-Party System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of American Political Parties The Two-Party System

2 What Is a Political Party? A political party

3 History of American Political System

4 The Two Party System Two-Party System: (def.) U.S. Two Party System Advantages: Disadvantages:

5 U.S. Political Parties: The Beginning George Washington against political parties - “parties serve their own interests” - “parties not beneficial to American people” Parties formed after his exit: - Democratic – Republicans -Federalists CG

6 Hamilton vs. Jefferson Political parties first emerged when followers of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson disagreed over major issues on the Constitution and government. Jefferson’s group took the name Democratic-Republicans. They wanted the states to hold greater power. (1830s Republican was dropped) Hamilton championed a strong national government with a powerful chief executive. His followers called themselves Federalists, after those who supported the Constitution. CG

7 U.S. Political Parties: The Beginning Democratic-Republicans -Supported states rights -Supported economy based on agriculture -Power in hands of all people -Led by this man - CG

8 U.S. Political Parties: The Beginning Federalists -supported strong national govt. -supported economy based on industry -power in hands of wealthy and educated - led by this man

9 Jacksonian Democracy Reigns In 1828, the farmers and small business owners who made up Jefferson’s party, calling themselves the Democratic Party, nominated Andrew Jackson. He stood for the common citizen, but looked out for southern and western interests. Those who did not support Jackson formed their own party called Whigs, after a Scottish political leader. Their real name was the National Republican Party. The Whigs and Democrats made up the two key parties in American politics for two decades. CG

10 The Two Major Parties Emerge In 1854 Whigs, former Free Soil Party members, and ex-Democrats formed the Republican Party to oppose the spread of slavery in US territories. The Whigs faded from American politics leaving the Democrats and Republicans in a two-party system that has dominated American politics ever since. CG

11 The Two Party System in the United States

12 Republican Party Republicans tend to be... - - - - - - -

13 Republican Party GOP ~ a.k.a. Republican Party “Grand Old Party” “Gallant Old Party” “Get Out and Push” “Generation of Peace”

14 Republican Leaders in History

15 Republican Candidates 2016 ??

16 Democrats tend to be... - - - - --more regulation of

17 Democratic Leaders in History

18 Democratic Candidates 2016??

19 Third Parties What is a Third Party? Purpose of the Third Party? –Influence Policy –Single Issue* –Ideological Parties* Types of Third Parties(Coll) *(Factional/Economic-Protest) Success of the Third Parties –Generating Support/Money –Getting on the ballot –Sustaining the party from candidate to candidate.

20 Third Parties at the Turn of the Century In the late 1800s, the people’s Party, or “Populists” became popular. Many of their ideas on workers’ rights became laws in the 20 th Century.

21 Third Parties in History Can come from a major party. * Splinter Party Progressive Party Bull Moose Party

22 Third Parties H. Ross Perot’s ~ Reform Party - 1992

23 Additional Political Parties Recognized By Kansas

24 Third Parties in Kansas Reform Party platform states... - balance budget amendment - eliminate wasteful programs - temporary freeze all immigration. - phase out social security and implement a private accounts supervised by the feds. - term limits for congress members. - advocates a “Buy America” policy. - US should not be in the business of nation- building.

25 Third Parties in Kansas Libertarians platform state... - unrestricted freedom of speech - all public lands should be returned to private ownership. - support repeal of all gun control laws.- abolish the ATF. - oppose gov. actions that either compel or prohibit abortion, sterilization, or any other form of bc. - gov. should have no impact on the rights of ind. - “pay as you go” on gov. spending. - free-market economy.

26 American Third Parties Maybe I should try a 3 rd party??

27 America First Party American Independent Party American Nazi Party American Reform Party Christian Falangist Party of America Communist Party USA Constitution Party Democratic Socialist of America Family Values of America

28 Libertarian Party Light Party National Socialist Movement New Union Party Socialist Action Socialist Labor Party US Pacifist Party

29 Parties in the US Who can participate? Why would a person align themselves with a political party? Purpose of the party

30 Parties Move Towards The Center A platform is a statement that puts forth the party's positions on issues. Each individual issue is called a plank. Both parties want votes. As a result, parties become more moderate in their platforms, moving away from extreme positions. The American people generally agree about many issues. This unity forces the two parties toward the center of the political spectrum.

31 Party Systems in other Countries Most democracies have multi-party systems. When parties work together to pass laws, a coalition has been formed. If a small party pulls its support, the government can collapse and new elections must be held. This process occurs in nations with a parliamentary system of government. The US has a presidential system rather than a a parliament system.

32 One Party Systems A one-party system cannot exist in a democracy. Opposition parties are usually banned. Communist China, Cuba, and North Korea operate under one-party systems. Iran's Islamic Republican Party has established a Muslim state. –This type of religion-based government is called a theocracy. Communist Party Congress, China

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