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THE STRESS OF TEENAGERS. WHAT IS STRESS ? Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "THE STRESS OF TEENAGERS. WHAT IS STRESS ? Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS STRESS ? Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge.

3 CAN STRESS BE GOOD OR / AND BAD ? The stress response is critical during emergency situations. It can also be activated in a milder form at a time when the pressure's on but there's no actual danger. It leaves a person feeling depleted or overwhelmed, weaken the body's immune system, and cause other problems. The human body responds to stressors by activating the nervous system and specific hormones.

4 WHAT ARE SOME CAUSES OF STRESS FOR MOST TEENAGERS ? Most parents don't realize teenagers can become just as stressed as adults can. For this reason, teenagers often feel alone. The principals causes of stress are: school work, parents, romantic relationships and friends' problems.

5 S CHOOL W ORK Many teenagers become stressed when their teachers and parents expect too much from them as far as school grades. When some teens study hard for an exam, but end up scoring poorly, they may feel defeated and hopeless. These feelings of failure can lead to depression, which can be a result of overwhelming stress.

6 P ARENTS Teenagers from a dysfunctional home life where abuse or alcoholism are problems can suffer from extreme stress. Teenagers need to feel safe and cared for at home. When they do not receive this from their safe place, they may take the stress of home, bring it to school, and act out.

7 R OMANTIC R ELATIONSHIPS The peer pressures of having a partner and becoming intimately involved are difficult to deal with so early in life. Breaking up is a difficult situation to deal with too, which can bring about feelings of inadequacy, rejection, and loneliness.

8 F RIENDS ' P ROBLEMS Getting along with friends or getting into the "in" crowd can be very stressful for teenagers, according to a recent survey. A teen's social group means everything to some teens. When arguments happen or a teen feels awkward around peers, it's normal to feel sad or anxious.

9 K EEP S TRESS U NDER C ONTROL Here are some things that can help keep stress under control: Take a stand against overscheduling; Be realistic; Get a good night's sleep; Learn to relax; Treat your body well; Watch what you're thinking; Solve the little problems. Here are some things that can help keep stress under control: Take a stand against overscheduling; Be realistic; Get a good night's sleep; Learn to relax; Treat your body well; Watch what you're thinking; Solve the little problems.

10 Cosmina Maria Federica V. Tosca Giada Francesca 3A

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