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P. Hamby, EdD.  Cognitive Domain  Affective Domain  Psychomotor Domain.

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Presentation on theme: "P. Hamby, EdD.  Cognitive Domain  Affective Domain  Psychomotor Domain."— Presentation transcript:

1 P. Hamby, EdD

2  Cognitive Domain  Affective Domain  Psychomotor Domain

3  Involves learning and the application of knowledge  Levels: ◦ Knowledge ◦ Comprehension ◦ Application ◦ Analysis ◦ Synthesis ◦ Evaluation

4  Knowledge ◦ To recall or recognize information in some pre- arranged form.  Define  List  Comprehension ◦ To understand meaning of information based on prior learning.  Describe  Explain  Interpret

5  Application ◦ To utilize information to complete a task with limited direction.  Compute  Solve  Use  Analysis ◦ To classify and relate assumptions or evidence.  Contrast  Examine

6  Synthesis ◦ To integrate or combine ideas into a new product or plan.  Design  Develop  Organize  Evaluation ◦ Critique idea based on specific standards and criteria.  Appraise  Judge  Justify

7  Addresses the acquisition of attitudes and values.  can be remembered by the following mnemonic device:

8  Verbs: Tolerate Enjoy Express

9  Development of body skills

10  Verbs ◦ Practice ◦ Imitate ◦ Develop ◦ Create

11  Bloom B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I

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