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Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Domains Domains can be thought of as categories of learning. Domains can be thought of as categories of learning. Cognitive is.

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Presentation on theme: "Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Domains Domains can be thought of as categories of learning. Domains can be thought of as categories of learning. Cognitive is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Domains Domains can be thought of as categories of learning. Domains can be thought of as categories of learning. Cognitive is acquisition of knowledge, followed by the more sophisticated cognitive tasks of comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Cognitive is acquisition of knowledge, followed by the more sophisticated cognitive tasks of comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Affective describes learning objectives that emphasize a feeling tone, an emotion. Affective describes learning objectives that emphasize a feeling tone, an emotion. Psychomotor learning of physical movements. Psychomotor learning of physical movements.

2 Writing cognitive domain learning objectives achieved through use of computers. A udience B ehavior C ondition D egree of Mastery Students will use their experience measuring area and perimeter of triangles and squares, and use Geometer’s Sketchpad to create and compare –5 squares and then describe the differences of area and perimeter –7 triangles and then describe the differences of area and perimeter

3 What to do with your Technology Integration Lesson 1. 1. Review, refine or create learning objectives that focus on the use of computers. 2. 2. Review, refine or create detailed procedures describing the steps or tasks needed to use the technology/computers for teaching and/or learning. 3. 3. Insure that you have CA content standards. 4. 4. List all “instructional resources” needed for the lesson. 5. 5. Focus on ONE lesson. 6. 6. Complete by 10-16-07

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